优待give special/preferential treatment; preferential treatment
围观surround and watch; pay attention to something
常年throughout the year; average year
怕事be afraid of getting into trouble
扳手spanner; lever, handle or other projection used to operate a machine
报警report to the police; give an alarm
撑support; push or move with a pole
理cut the jade from the ore; manage
痛快joyful; to one's great satisfaction
笑眯眯smiling with slightly squinted eyes
笔writing or drawing instrument; technique of writing, calligraphy or drawing
纷纷numerous and confused; one after another
脏话obscene, dirty or foul language
误事cause delay in work or business
起步start to move; begin/start doing something
造型mould; created image of an object
鬼ghost; used to form a term of abuse for ignoble character