Zhong wen 12

Chinese textbooks
Vocabulary of Zhong wen 12.

yán lì严厉strict

sàng shī丧失lose

servant; I

pèi fú佩服admire

shǐ jìn使劲exert all one's strength

piāninclining to one side; partial

lánorchid; lily magnolia

nèi xīn内心heart; incentre


fēn biàn分辨distinguish; resolution

qián tú前途future

xièremove; unhitch

the least; a unit of interest rate, equal to 0.1% monthly interest, or 1% annual interest

chī lì吃力strenuous; exhausted

hé lǐ合理rational

fǒudeny; nay

yǒngexpress or narrate in poetic form; recite

āi dào哀悼mourn

kùn huò困惑perplexed; confuse

tánaltar; raised plot

duīpile up; heap

jū rán居然unexpectedly; obviously

gān shè干涉interfere; connection

píng děng平等equal; equality

kāi pì开辟open up; establish

dànpellet; shell

chè dǐ彻底thorough


be afraid of

qiàjust; appropriate

huòbe bewildered; delude


cánfeel ashamed

cán kuì惭愧ashamed

lèngdumbfounded; rash

zhēngstruggle; stab

wǎndraw; pull

zhěng lǐ整理put in order

chìopen up; upbraid

this; then

zāitransplant; young plant


qì fēn气氛atmosphere

gōuditch; groove

shèwade; experience

zhàexplode; blast

bàoexplode; occur unexpectedly

ài mù爱慕love and envy; adore

láoenclosure for animals; sacrificial animal

kuángmad; violent

dú tè独特unique

lǐ cǎi理睬pay attention/heed to

porcelain; solid

fēngmad; play wilfully

dīngstare at


narrow one's eyes; take a nap

cǎitake notice of

shí liu石榴punicagranatum

riding crop; urge with a horse whip

jiūentangle; gather together

chún jié纯洁purify; pure

luònet-like things; subsidiary channels in the human body through which vital energy, blood and nutriment circulate

lǎo shi老实honest; well-behaved

big ear

jù jīng huì shén聚精会神be all attention

bèi sòng背诵recite

qiāngcavity; tune


fāngsweet-smelling; virtuous


xīnfirewood; salary

xīn jīn薪金wage

jǐngwarn; alert


tānhave an insatiable desire for; seek

péicompensate; lose money in business

zhuàngain; profit

lie on one's stomach; bend over

xiéevil; disaster/misfortune

cruel; cool

jiàn dìng鉴定identify; appraisal

ruìsharp; rapid

jiànspace in between; grudge


gāo cháo高潮high water; upsurge

soul; vigor

pò lì魄力boldness



gǔ lì鼓励encourage

kuǎnsincere; leisurely

dān mài丹麦Denmark

gē běn hā gēn哥本哈根Copenhagen

zhástruggle to

lǒngenvelop; large box

ān tú shēng安徒生Hans Christian Andersen

méi lán fāng梅兰芳Mei Lanfang , famous master of Beijing opera, specialist in female roles

tài gē ěr泰戈尔Rabindranath Tagore , Indian poet and writer

yǔ guǒ雨果Victor Hugo , poet, novelist, and dramatist who was one of the most important French Romantic writers