Zhong wen 12

Chinese textbooks
Vocabulary of Zhong wen 12.


chuán rǎn传染infect; influence mood, feelings, or atmosphere through contact


kind; precedent

qīn hài侵害make inroads on; harm or damage by force or by illegal means

xiū jiàn修建build

jiānsimultaneously; hold/do two or more jobs concurrently

seductively dressed or made up; smelt

níngcongeal; intently

fán shì凡是any

pínglean on/against; rely on

shell; snatch something forcibly

miǎnendeavour to; encourage

shiused as a component of 钥匙

wēi hài危害jeopardize

kě xī可惜regrettable; regrettably

kě jiàn可见to be visible; visible

gè zì各自respective

tūnswallow; take possession of

lǎ ba喇叭trumpet; loudspeaker

xuānnoisy; speak loudly

xuān nào喧闹clamourous; bustle


péibank up with earth; train

collapse; sink


tiān rán天然natural

qí jì奇迹miracle

tuǒappropriate; finished

zháiresidence; stay

shí jì实际reality; practical

róng nà容纳hold; tolerate

chādifference; mistake

fèidecline; waste

fèidecline; waste

jìngfootpath; way


héngpermanent; perseverance

hèn bu de恨不得one wishes one could

dǐ kàng抵抗resist

sǔndecrease; harm

sǔn hài损害do harm to

kòngaccuse; control

mǐnquick; alert

xiétilt; inclined

lǚ xíng旅行travel

jiǎn yàn检验inspect

huǐdestroy; burn up

huǐ miè毁灭destroy



liú chuán流传hand down

zhuómuddy; confused

hùn zhuó混浊turbid

zhào lì照例as a rule

zàodry; dryness

lǐ jiě理解understand

jiān dū监督supervise; supervisor

zhí jiē直接immediate

zhēn zhèng真正genuine; really


step; build by laying bricks or stones

pound; crush

què shí确实reliable; really

year; offer sacrifices to the gods or the ancesters

offer sacrifices to; hold a memorial service for

jì sì祭祀offer sacrifices to gods or ancestors

zhǎinarrow; petty

yáokiln; porcelain baked in a famous kiln


fènexcrement; apply manure

xì bāo细胞cell

tǒng yī统一unify; unified

zōngput together

zhàocover; shade

xiéflank; coerce

huānguncultivated; wasteland

zhēngevaporate; steam

zhēng fā蒸发evaporate; vanish

shíeat away at; lose

riddle; enigma

distance; be at a distance from

yùn yòng运用put to use

jìn gōng进攻assault; attack in a struggle


yí zhǐ遗址ruins


qiānlead; black lead

shǎn shuò闪烁flash; equivocate

jiàng dī降低lower

táoearthenware; a surname

standard; odes from the Western Zhou dynasty

cháng jiāng长江the Chang Jiang River

āi jí埃及Egypt

mò xī gē墨西哥Mexico

mute; hoarse

qiǎngmake an effort

jiàngnow written as 糨

jūnfungus; bacterium

ná pò lún拿破仑Napoleon