
Final(T3):ǔVideo guide
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Chinese dictionary
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  • v.boil; stew

    • fàn méi zhǔ tòu

      The rice is under cooked.

    • ròu hái méi zhǔ shú

      The meat is not boiled thoroughly.

    • bǎ niú nǎi zhǔ kāi


      Heat the milk until it boils.

    • bìng rén de cān jù měi cān zhī hòu yào zhǔ yī xià


      Patients' tableware should be boiled after each use.

    • zhǔ fàn

      cook rice

    • zhǔ tāng

      boil soup

    • zhǔ tǔ dòu


      cook potatoes

    • qīng zhǔ

      boil in water without garnish

Words and phrases with 煮

  • 煮茗
    [word]make tea
  • 煮器
  • 煮粥
    [word]cook congee
  • 煮皂
    [word]soap boiling
  • 煮散
    [word]decoction made from powder
  • 煮药
    [word]decoct medicinal herbs
  • 煮呢
  • 煮糖器
  • 煮肉
    [word]cook meat
  • 煮海为盐
    [idiom]make salt by distilling sea water
  • 煮粥焚须
    [idiom]In boiling broth, one burnt his whiskers.
  • 煮鹤焚琴
    [idiom]burn down the musical instrument to cook the crane
  • 煮豆燃萁
    [idiom]burn beanstalks to cook beans - stir up fratricidal persecution (It is said that Cao Pi, Emperor of the Kingdom of Wei, asked his younger brother Cao Zhi to compose a poem within the time to walk seven paces, and only by his fulfillment to compose it, could he survive. Cao Zhi improvised immediately: "They were boiling beans on a beanstalk fire,/ Came a plaintive voice from the pot,/ O why, since we sprang from the selfsame root,/ Should you kill me with anger hot?".)
  • 煮字疗饥
    [idiom]“cook” characters in order to assuage hunger

Similar-form characters to 煮

Chinese Characters with pinyin zhǔ