Chinese Made Easy 6

Chinese textbooks
6 textbooks for high school students or adult study Chinese.

bù yán ér yù不言而喻as a matter of course

shì jiè guān世界观world outlook

shū jí书籍works

rèn hé任何any

chuán dá传达transmit; reception and registration of visitors at an organization, school, or factory

chànginitiate lead

chàng yì倡议bring forward/make a proposal; first proposal

piāninclining to one side; partial

piān shí偏食partial eclipse; partiality for certain foods

zhì zhǐ制止prevent

quàn zǔ劝阻advise somebody not to do something

qín jiǎn勤俭assiduous and thrifty

chú yú lā jī厨余垃圾kitchen scraps/waste

fǎn sī反思introspect

kě chǐ可耻disgraceful


lìn xī吝惜grudge

nǎ pà哪怕no matter how

tuán tǐ团体team

chǔ fá处罚punish

dà shǐ大使ambassador

dà shī大师master; Great Master

hǎo sì好似seem

fù yù富裕well-off; enrich

jiāntiny end; point

xúnround of drinks; make one's rounds

xún luó巡逻go on patrol

zhēnpiece; frame

zhāng tiē张贴placard

ruòweak; young

wēi xìn微信WeChat

máng lù忙碌be busy

máng lǐ tōu xián忙里偷闲take a short break during a period of busy work

huòbe bewildered; delude

dǎ bāo打包bale; unpack

tiāo shí挑食be a fussy eater

huī huò挥霍squander

pěnghold/carry something in both hands; handful

cuòarrange; make plans

cuò shī措施measure

gǎi shàn改善improve

shù zì数字characters that denote amounts; numeral

wén zì文字characters; written language

xiǎn yǎn显眼conspicuous

biāo yǔ标语poster

tǒngtub; pailful

háofine long hair; writing brush

xiāo xi消息information; message


shēn rù深入go deep into; thorough

shēn céng深层deeper layers; deep-going

shēn dù深度degree of depth; profundity

liūglide; slip away

yòng cān用餐dine


dū cù督促supervise and urge

kòng xián空闲free time; free

jīng měi精美exquisite

xì zhì细致careful; exquisite

jīng diǎn经典classics; scriptures

jīng yì经意care

jié guǒ结果result; at last

punish; punishment

měi dé美德virtue

chǐfeel humiliated; disgrace

jù jīng huì shén聚精会神be all attention

bèi hòu背后back; behind somebody's back

zì gǔ自古since ancient times

shétongue; tongue-shaped object

liáng shī yì yǒu良师益友good teacher and helpful friend

zhùoutstanding; show

zhù zuò著作book; write

approach; meagre

bó ruò薄弱weak

xuè yè血液blood; lifeblood

zhuāng zhēn装帧binding and layout

abundant; make rich

chù mù jīng xīn触目惊心startling

jiǎng zuò讲座a course of lectures

jièwarn; commandment

yòuguide; lure

yòu huò诱惑entice; attract

diào chá调查investigate; expedition

guǐrail; course

guǐ jì轨迹trajectory; path along which a person goes through his or her life

xīn kǔ辛苦hard; go to great trouble

mark; remains

luópatrol; block

cǎi qǔ采取adopt; take

pū zhāng铺张extravagant; overstate


huòquickly; sound of grinding knives

jìngstill; serene

fēng qì风气atmosphere

fàn hé饭盒lunch-box


xiāng bǐ zhī xià相比之下by contrast

liǎn shū脸书Facebook

luthe neutral tone of 碌

shí zài实在true; indeed