ESTC Textbook 8

Chinese textbooks
Here are all the words you need to know in Easy Steps to Chinese 8.

yī dài一代dynasty; era

yī tiān dào wǎn一天到晚from morning till night

yī dài一带region

gè rén个人personal; oneself

zhōng cǎo yào中草药Chinese herbal medicine

wǔ huā bā mén五花八门multifarious

chuán bō传播spread; propagation

like; seem

sì hū似乎seemingly

dī sú低俗vulgar

Buddha; Buddhist

bǎo nuǎn保暖keep warm

quán jiā fú全家福photograph of the whole family; hodgepodge

gōng kāi公开public; make known to the public

diǎn gù典故literary quotation

yǎng shēng养生keep in good health; raise animals

liáng bàn凉拌cold and dressed with sauce

běi fāng北方north; the northern part of the country

wēi hài危害jeopardize

fā dá发达developed; promote

gǔ guó古国ancient country; country with a long history

tóng qī同期corresponding/same period; the same term/year

xī shōu吸收absorb; recruit

qiángwall; object shaped or functioning like a wall

zēng zhǎng增长grow

dà zhòng大众general public; popular

xué wen学问systematic knowledge that correctly reflects certain objective matters; learning

jū zhù居住live

chā yì差异difference

gàn huó r干活儿work

zhuāngsolemn; a surname

dāng jīn当今now; reigning emperor

xíng chéng形成take shape

xíng xiàng形象image; imagery

xìng bié性别sexual distinction

yōulong-drawn-out; leisurely

yōu jiǔ悠久long

qíng qù情趣temperament and interest; appeal

chéng fá惩罚punish

lǎn sǎn懒散indolent

shǒu duàn手段means; trick

tóucast; put in

tóu sù投诉appeal; complain

bànmix; quarrel

sǔndecrease; harm

tí yì提议propose; proposal

broadcast; seed

wú yì无意have no intention; inadvertent

wú liáo无聊dull; senseless

yǒu sǔn有损be harmful to

yǒu ài有碍be a hindrance to

cūnvillage; rustic

cūn zhuāng村庄hamlet

mǒucertain; indefinite person or thing

àn jiàn案件case

jiāng nán江南areas south of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River; areas south of the Yangtze River

fǎ lǜ法律law

xiāo xi消息information; message

shēn rù深入go deep into; thorough

qīng liáng清凉cool and refreshing


huǒ guō火锅chafing dish

pēngcook in water; fry quickly in hot oil and stir in sauce

pēng rèn烹饪cooking

bāostraight-sided pot; stew

fàn zuì犯罪commit a punishable offence by breaking the law

xiāng guān相关be interrelated



qū chú祛除dispel

miǎosecond; second

chuāng kǒu窗口window; window

wǎng zhàn网站website

zuìillegal activity; fault

měi gǎn美感aesthetic feeling

bèi dòng被动passive; unfavorable

shì yě视野field

yán lùn言论speech; discuss

zhàng hào账号account number

qù wèi趣味interest; preference

shēn shì身世life experience

qīng yì轻易easy; hasty

là jiāo辣椒chilli; fruit of this plant

tòu lù透露divulge; reveal

zhú jiàn逐渐gradually

dào dé道德morality; moral

bù mén部门department

xiàn zhì限制restrict; confinement

shí liáo食疗treat with food therapy; diet therapy


huáng sè黄色yellow; vulgar

shī qì湿气eczema; moisture

shī zi tóu狮子头large meatballs

tǐ nèi体内internal

qū hán祛寒dispel cold

chuán biàn传遍spread throughout

jiǎborrow; make use of

fó tiào qiáng佛跳墙Buddha Jumps over the Wall, a famous and classical Chinese dish

yǒu lì yú有利于be advantageous to

qǐ míng zì起…名字give a name