HYJC Textbook 3 (A)

Chinese textbooks
Here are all the words you need to know in Hanyu Jiaocheng 3(A).

yī lián一连in a row

bù zhī bù jué不知不觉unwittingly

gè rén个人personal; oneself

shū bāo书包satchel

qīn qiè亲切close; cordial

réng rán仍然still

cóng cǐ从此henceforth

xiū lǐ修理repair; prune

ǒu rán偶然once in a while; accidental

ér nǚ儿女sons and daughters; young men and women

miǎn fèi免费free

gōng kāi公开public; make known to the public

chū qì出气breathe; air out

guā mù xiāng kàn刮目相看have a complete new appraisal of somebody

dào dǐ到底to the end/finish/utmost; at last

kè kǔ刻苦assiduous; simple and frugal

jiāput one thing on top of another; put in

jiā bān加班work overtime

fǎn wèn反问ask in reply; rhetorical question

zhǐ yào只要so long as

jūn zǐ君子nobleman

tīng cóng听从comply with

huí yì回忆call to mind; memory

fù yìn jī复印机copier

wài jiāo外交diplomacy

shī xué失学drop out of school

shī liàn失恋be disappointed in a love affair

hǎo xīn好心good intention

wán quán完全complete; totally

jiā huo家伙tool; guy

fù qiáng富强prosperous and powerful

fù wēng富翁moneybags

jìn liàng尽量reach the limit

gōng chéng工程engineering; project that requires a large quantity of manpower and materials

kāi yè chē开夜车drive a vehicle at night; work late into the night

kāi xīn开心happy; amuse oneself at one's expense

nòngplay/fool with; do

dāng chū当初beginning

dé dào得到obtain

wēi xiào微笑smile; smile

yōu chóu忧愁worried

gǎn jī感激thankful

fèn nù愤怒angry

dǎ yìn jī打印机printer

jì qiǎo技巧skill; #$

fǔ yǎng抚养bring up

bào chóu报仇avenge

dān dāng担当take on

pāibeat; beat

yōng yǒu拥有own

juānrelinquish; donate

pěnghold/carry something in both hands; handful

tí gāo提高raise

cāo zuò操作operate; handling

shōu rù收入include; income

gǎi tiān改天another day

qiāoknock; overcharge

zhěng gè整个whole

wén jiàn文件document; papers

wú liáo无聊dull; senseless

pǔ tōng普通average; common

quán lì权力authority; jurisdiction

shùbind; control

tiáo jiàn条件condition; requirement

biāo zhǔn标准standard; standard

máo bìng毛病defect; shortcoming

yǒng yuǎn永远ever

huì bào汇报report; report

xiāo xi消息information; message

dàntasteless; thin

shú liàn熟练skilled

ài liàn爱恋love

shèn zhì甚至even to the extent that; so far as to

shuǎiswing; throw

diàn zǐ xìn xiāng电子信箱electronic mailbox

liúremain; study abroad/overseas

zǔ guó祖国motherland

lí hūn离婚break up/dissolve a marriage

chéng xù程序order; program


lì kè立刻immediately

xiào róng笑容smile

suàncalculate; include

tǒng yī统一unify; unified

měi hǎo美好glorious

fān lái fù qù翻来覆去toss from side to side; again and again

liǎnface; facial expression

xíng wéi行为action

zhuāngclothes; luggage

shè jì设计design; hatch/work out a scheme/plan/plot

huà tí话题topic

pín qióng贫穷poor

mào yì贸易trade

wèn hòu问候send one's respects/regards to; compliments

mò mò默默silently

liào dào料到foresee

tóu r头儿head

cí shàn jiā慈善家man of charity

bēicarry on the back; bear

jì yòu既…又…both...and...