不胫而走"runs without legs"; very popular
先声夺人forestall one's opponent by a show of strength
利欲熏心be obsessed with the desire for gain
功亏一篑fail to build a mound for want of one final basket of earth
助纣为虐aid King Zhou in his tyrannical rule
卧薪尝胆sleep on firewood and taste gall
同仇敌忾share a bitter hatred of the enemy
含辛茹苦endure all kinds of hardships
在劫难逃if you're doomed, you're doomed
姹紫嫣红brilliant purples and reds
宁缺毋滥better to accept too few than to make up a number by lowering the standard
寄人篱下live under another person's roof
尔虞我诈each try to cheat the other
弄巧成拙suffer from being too smart
打退堂鼓beat the drum before the magistrate withdraws from the court; retreat
投机取巧seize every chance to gain advantage by trickery
抛头露面show oneself in public; flaunt oneself in public
抛砖引玉cast a brick to attract jade
按兵不动not throw one's troops into battle; take no action
捕风捉影catch the wind and swipe at shadows
明哲保身keep out of harm by discretion
杞人忧天like the man of Qi who was haunted by the fear that the sky might fall
步步为营advance and consolidate at every step
殊途同归reach the same goal by different routes/means
沁人心脾gladden the heart and refresh the mind
浓妆艳抹richly attired and heavily made-up
爱屋及乌love for a person extends even to the crows on his roof
狼狈为奸act in collusion with each other for an evil purpose
甘拜下风bow to somebody's superiority
瞻前顾后look forward and backward; cautious and thorough
自命不凡consider oneself exceptional
自惭形秽feel ashamed at one's inferior appearance or manners; feel unworthy
苟延残喘be on one's last legs; linger on in a meagre existence
趋之若鹜go after something like a flock of ducks―scramble for something
釜底抽薪attack a problem at its source
闲情逸致leisurely and carefree mood
防微杜渐check erroneous ideas at the outset
顶礼膜拜prostrate oneself in worship
飞黄腾达make a rapid advance in one's career
饥肠辘辘one's inside rumbles for want of food
倾国倾城beautiful enough to cause the fall of a city or a state