New HSK level 789-1

Chinese textbooks
New HSK 2022 level 789 part 1.

dīngman; member of a family

diū diào丢掉lose; throw away

dī xià低下lower than the average standard; vulgar

dī jià低价low price

dī gū低估underestimate

dī tàn低碳low carbon

dī diào低调mild or low-spirited view; low pitch/voice

dī gǔ低谷low lying valley; all time low

dī mí低迷depressed; turbid

diǎn fàn典范model

dèng zi凳子stool

diāo nàn刁难make things difficult for somebody

diéfold; pile up

dīng zhǔ叮嘱exhort

diāohold in the mouth

diào xiāo吊销revoke

dì xià shuǐ地下水groundwater

dì yù地域region; locality

dì bù地步plight; extent

dì duàn地段district

dì tǎn地毯carpet

dì yù地狱hell; dark and miserable living conditions

dì lǐ地理geography; geographical features of a place

dì zhì地质geology

dì dao地道genuine; real

diànput something under something else; pad

diàn zi垫子cushion

diàn dǐ垫底rank at the bottom; use something as the base


dī bà堤坝dikes and dams

diàn dìng奠定establish

dìng yì定义definition; define

dìng zuò定做custom made

dìng xiàng定向find the direction; directional

dìng jū定居make one's home

dìng xīn wán定心丸assurance

dìng lùn定论final conclusion

dìng jīn定金money

diān fēng巅峰summit

dì guó帝国empire; business empire

dì guó zhǔ yì帝国主义imperialism; imperial power

dǐ zi底子details; bottom

dǐ céng底层ground floor; lowest rung

dǐ xiàn底线end/goal line; planted agent

dǐ yùn底蕴detailed content; accumulation

dì zǐ弟子disciple

diàn jì惦记be concerned about

dǐ zhì抵制resist

dǐ yù抵御resist

dǐ yā抵押pledge

dǐ dǎng抵挡ward off

dǐ xiāo抵消cancel out

dǐ chù抵触conflict

diào tóu掉头turn one's head away; make a U-turn

diào duì掉队lag; be behind the times

dī fang提防guard against

diàn táng殿堂sanctuary

diàn fěn淀粉starch

dēng pào灯泡lamp globe; unwanted third person accompanying a courting couple

diǎn zi点子droplet; spot

diǎn xin点心pastry

diǎn huǒ点火light a fire; stir up trouble

diǎn zhuì点缀adorn; use something merely for show/decoration

diǎn píng点评comment; comment

diēfather; pa

diàn xìn电信telecommunication

diàn bào电报telegraph; use telegraph facilities to transmit texts, pictures, charts, etc.

diàn xiàn电线wire

diàn wǎng电网electric/power grids; electric fence

diàn xùn电讯telecommunications

diàn líng电铃bell

dēng lù登陆land; enter the market of an area or region

dīngstare at

dèngopen wide; glare with displeasure

dí zi笛子flute

dì yī shǒu第一手first-hand

dì yī xiàn第一线front line

dìng dān订单purchase order

dìng hūn订婚be engaged to

dìng lì订立complete

dìng gòu订购place an order for something

diào dù调度organize and dispatch; dispatcher

dēngpress down or push with the foot; step on

dié qǐ迭起occur repeatedly

dì jiāo递交submit

dìngnail; sew on

dīng zi钉子nail; saboteur

diào yú钓鱼angle; tricking people into falling for it

diāovulture; carving

diāo kè雕刻carve; carving

diāo sù雕塑sculpt; sculpture

dǐng jiān顶尖tip; apex

dǐng jí顶级top-notch

diān dǎo颠倒turn upside down; be confused

diān fù颠覆overturn; subvert

dēng jī登机board a plane

dǐng duō顶多at most

diǎn jī lǜ点击率click-through rate

dìng wéi定为prescribe as

dì dào地道subway