New HSK level 789-1

Chinese textbooks
New HSK 2022 level 789 part 1.

dōng dào zhǔ东道主host

diū rén丢人lose face

diū shī丢失lose

diū qì丢弃discard

diū liǎn丢脸lose face

duì huàn兑换commute

duì xiàn兑现cash; fulfil

dōuwrap up and let hang in a piece of cloth, etc.; bag

dōu shòu兜售peddle

dòng jié冻结congeal; block

dòng bu dòng动不动easily

dòng xiàng动向trend

dòng tīng动听be easy on the ear

dòng gōng动工begin construction; be under construction

dòng tan动弹move

dòng gǎn动感dynamic

dòng yòng动用put to use

dòng mài动脉artery; arterial road

dòng dàng动荡rock; turbulence

dòng shēn动身get/set/start off

dòng jing动静voice; movements

è yùn厄运misfortune

duō suo哆嗦tremble

duī qì堆砌pile up; load one's writing with fancy phrases

duò luò堕落corrupt

dǔ sè堵塞jam

duō kuī多亏owe something to somebody

duō yú多余be surplus; unnecessary

duō yuán多元polybasic

duō xīn多心oversensitive

duō biān多边multilateral

duó guàn夺冠win a championship

duó kuí夺魁contend for championship

dù jì妒忌envy

duì zhì对峙face/confront each other; be at a stalemate

duì yì对弈play chess

duì de qǐ对得起be worthy of

duì zhào对照compare

duì bái对白dialogue

duì chèn对称symmetric

duì cè对策responses/answers to emperor's question on administrative circumstances; countermove

duì lián对联antithetical couplet

linear measure; degree of hardness, heat, density, humidity

dù jià度假go vacationing

ēn cì恩赐bestow imperial favors; charity

èvice; fierce

è liè恶劣abominable

è huà恶化deteriorate; make something worse

è xìng恶性pernicious

è yì恶意malice

dǒng shì懂事thoughtful

dǒutremble; shake

dūn cù敦促press

dūn hòu敦厚honest and sincere

dòufight; denounce

dòu zhì斗志will to fight

duàn dìng断定determine

duàn duàn xù xù断断续续intermittent; intermittently

duàn liè断裂split; rift

dù jué杜绝put an end; waive all rights to buy back the real estate one sells

dòngbeam; house

dòng liáng栋梁ridge; important people

duàn luò段落section; stage

dùnstew; put something in a container and warm it by putting the container in boiling water

single; old people without offspring

dú yī wú èr独一无二unique

dú chàng独唱sing solo; solo

dú jiā独家the only one

dú lì zì zhǔ独立自主stand on one's own

dú shēn独身separated from one's family; unmarried

dū cù督促supervise and urge

duǎn zàn短暂transient

duǎn quē短缺be short of

duān zhèng端正straight; right

duò shǒu舵手steersman; leader

dǒng shì董事director; preside over an event

dǒng shì huì董事会board of directors

dǒng shì zhǎng董事长chairman of the board

é zhà讹诈blackmail; coerce

dòu zi豆子pod-bearing plant; bean-shaped thing

dòu jiāng豆浆soya-bean milk

duǒ cáng躲藏hide/conceal oneself

duǒ bì躲避hide/conceal on purpose; avoid

dòutease; provoke

è zhì遏制keep within limits

dū huì都会big city

duì xíng队形formation

dǒusteep; suddenly

dùn shí顿时at once

é wài额外extra

è yú鳄鱼crocodile


dōng bēn xī zǒu东奔西走run about busily

dōng zhāng xī wàng东张西望glance this way and that

é yǔ俄语Russian

duō gōng néng多功能multi-purpose

duì zhǔn对准aim at; alignment

dù guò渡过get/pass/pull through

dōu r兜儿pocket

duō nián lái多年来for many years