千钧一发be in an extremely precarious situation
品格one's moral character; quality and style
奋不顾身dash ahead regardless of one's safety
录取recruit; interrogate and record
抱不平be outraged about an injustice
权sliding/steelyard weight; power
牺牲a beast slaughtered for sacrifice; make the ultimate/supreme sacrifice
痛快joyful; to one's great satisfaction
离婚break up/dissolve a marriage
简易simple and easy; simply constructed
结拜become sworn brothers/sisters
苦心trouble taken; extend much care and thought
误会misunderstand; misunderstanding
遗物things left behind by the deceased
阵地position; important field or domain
香烛incense and candles used for praying at the altar
舍己救人sacrifice oneself to save somebody else
重庆one of the four municipalities directly under the Central Government