NPCR Textbook 5

Chinese textbooks
Here are all the words you need to know in New Practical Chinese 5.

yī huàng一晃pass in a flash

cóng lín丛林forest; temple

shū tóng书童page boy

qīn rén亲人close relative; dear ones

rén qíng人情human feelings; favour

rén xiōng仁兄my dear friend

cóng zhōng从中therefrom

sì hū似乎seemingly

xìn fēng信封envelope

xìn lài信赖trust

jūnarmy; army

jūn rén军人soldier

qī liáng凄凉desolate; miserable

fēn shǒu分手say good-bye

qián xiàn前线front line

qiān jūn yī fà千钧一发be in an extremely precarious situation

wèidefend; security guard


diàocondole; hang

diào lán吊兰chlorophytum comosum

tóng shí同时at the same time; moreover

kēng shēng吭声utter a sound

gào bié告别say goodbye to; leave

pǐn gé品格one's moral character; quality and style

tuáncircular; roll

fèn bù gù shēn奋不顾身dash ahead regardless of one's safety

gū ér孤儿fatherless child; orphan

xué qī学期semester

nìng kě宁可would rather

ān quán安全safe

shí huà实话truth

cháonest of a bird; burrow


zhāng yáng张扬publicize

lù qǔ录取recruit; interrogate and record

wǎng cháng往常former times

pà rén怕人shy; terrifying

ēngrace; love

ēn rén恩人benefactor

zhébreak; die

bào bù píng抱不平be outraged about an injustice

zhǐ jiào指教instruct; give advice

jiētake off; uncover

fàng qì放弃give up

wú liáo无聊dull; senseless

yǒu yuán有缘be predestined

quánsliding/steelyard weight; power

gé wài格外all the more; additionally

qiàn yì歉意apology

cán kù残酷cruel; hard and dangerous

gǔnroll; go/get away

xī shēng牺牲a beast slaughtered for sacrifice; make the ultimate/supreme sacrifice

méi gui玫瑰rugosa rose; rose

zhēn zhū珍珠pearl

lǐ zhì理智reason; rational

tòng kuài痛快joyful; to one's great satisfaction

tòng kǔ痛苦pain

xiàng gong相公a form of address for one's husband; term of address for a young scholar or young man of a rich or cultured family

xiāng féng相逢meet

shí tou石头stone

lí hūn离婚break up/dissolve a marriage

lóngcage; steamer

jiǎn yì简易simple and easy; simply constructed

chún jié纯洁purify; pure

jié bài结拜become sworn brothers/sisters

jié shù结束end; style of dressing

fēi wén绯闻amorous affair

lǎo shi老实honest; well-behaved

zì zai自在comfortable

shěgive up; give alms

shū shì舒适comfortable

kǔ xīn苦心trouble taken; extend much care and thought

mào shèng茂盛luxuriant; booming

cánghide; store

honey; honey-like things

wù huì误会misunderstand; misunderstanding

duǒavoid; go into hiding

biān fáng边防border defense

fǎncome/go back

fǎn huí返回come/go back

lose; omit

yí wù遗物things left behind by the deceased

jūnpotter's wheel; you

mén wèi门卫sentry

fángdam; prevent

yáng guāng阳光sunlight; sunny

zhèn dì阵地position; important field or domain

yǐn cáng隐藏hide

xiāng zhú香烛incense and candles used for praying at the altar

niǎobird; penis

mò mò默默silently

nǚ pú女仆female servant

shě jǐ jiù rén舍己救人sacrifice oneself to save somebody else

qīng shāng轻伤light/minor injury

qiū yuè秋月autumn moon

chóng qìng重庆one of the four municipalities directly under the Central Government

shè rù射入to send out to hit

gài zhù盖住cover

zhēn zhū niǎo珍珠鸟pearl bird

zhú lóng zi竹笼子bamboo cage