NPCR Textbook 5

Chinese textbooks
Here are all the words you need to know in New Practical Chinese 5.

yī gǔ nǎo r一股脑儿completely

bù biàn不便inconvenient; inappropriate

qīn shǒu亲手personally

shāng huái伤怀grieved

yī jiù依旧remain the same; still

qīngslant; collapse

ǒu rán偶然once in a while; accidental

rù shí入时trendy

yǎng lǎo yuàn养老院home for the aged

lěng dàn冷淡slack; cold

chū wài出外leave home

bié shù别墅villa

yuán zé原则principle; generally

qù shì去世pass away

gàoreport; inform

xiǎngecho; sound

jiān shǒu坚守defend a place resolutely; stick to

qí jì奇迹miracle

gū dú孤独solitary

shàngesteem; set great store by

lǚ xíng履行carry out

wǎng wǎng往往more often than not

wǎng rì往日days gone by

dàiwait for; be about to

wēitiny; profound

wàng què忘却forget

yōu chóu忧愁worried

hū lüè忽略overlook

angry; be angry

zǒng biān ji总编辑editor in chief

qià qiǎo恰巧by chance/coincidence

bēi tòng悲痛sorrowful

qíngfeeling; love

wéithought; only

diàn jì惦记be concerned about

shǒu pà手帕handkerchief

throw oneself on; devote

bàobosom; carry in breast

pāi mài拍卖auction; be on sale


huī shǒu挥手wave one's hand

tànvisit; scout

tí xǐng提醒remind

chānsupport somebody with one's hand; mix

cāo chí操持manage; plan and prepare

pānclimb; seek connections in high places

jīng yíng晶莹glittering and translucent

zhū hóng朱红vermilion

hé xīn核心core

yǒng yuǎn永远ever

chén mò沉默reticent; be silent/speechless

fǎ tíng法庭court; courtroom

ní tǔ泥土soil; clay


càn làn灿烂magnificent

chǎo zuò炒作hype; make profits through speculation

dú lì独力by one's own efforts

cut the jade from the ore; manage

suǒ xiè琐屑trivial

téng tòng疼痛ache


mì mì秘密clandestine; secret

chuān zhuó穿着dress

dā ying答应answer; promise


suōcontract; draw back

quēlack; be incomplete

lǎo jìng老境old age; life and circumstances in old age

féifat; fertile

féi pàng肥胖corpulent

bǎng zi膀子upper arm; wing

bān pèi般配match each other; dressing in a manner appropriate to one's status

chùtouch; stir up sb.'s feelings

chù mù触目meet/strike the eye; eye-catching

chéng kěn诚恳genuine

huà tǒng话筒microphone; speaker

zhū duō诸多a good deal

móu shēng谋生make a living

shàn yǎng赡养support

gǎn jǐn赶紧quickly

qǐ jià起价go up or rise in price; starting price

qīng sōng轻松relaxed; relax

strongly fragrant; lush

nán shuō难说it's hard to say or predict; find it difficult/hard/embarrassing to speak out

shùn shǒu顺手smoothly; conveniently

tuí táng颓唐dejected; declining

gāo kǎo高考college/university entrance examination

bù néng zì yǐ不能自已be beside oneself

dōng bēn xī zǒu东奔西走run about busily

sì shì tóng táng四世同堂four generations under one roof

jīng dāi惊呆stunned

zhè yàng yī lái这样一来in this way

chén mò guǎ yán沉默寡言be reticent

hùn rù混入mix someone into an organization

hé shí何时when

sǎnloose; medicinal powder

bù shì zī wèi不是滋味to be upset

kōng cháo jiā tíng空巢家庭empty-nest family

chù tā zhī nù触他之怒make him angry

dà qù大去die