Common separable words HSK 4

Here are all the common separable words in HSK 4.

xià hǎi下海go into the sea; go fishing on the sea

jǔ lì举例give/provide an example

zhēng guāng争光do credit to

jiāo shǒu交手fight hand to hand

rèn jiào任教teach

chuán rén传人successor; teach

chuán jiào传教do missionary work

gū jià估价estimate the value; appraise

tíng huǒ停火cease fire; stop making fires

guāng tóu光头bare one's head; shaved top

miǎn zhí免职relieve somebody of his post

rù chǎng入场enter; admission

rù yǎn入眼come/burst into view; eye-catching

rù mén入门cross the threshold; primer

chū jú出局be eliminated; be out

chū hǎi出海go to sea

chū xiàn出线qualify for the next round of competition

dào rèn到任assume a post

jiā bèi加倍double; put in more efforts

fǎn shǒu反手get something done easily; put one's hands behind one's back

fā huǒ发火catch fire; detonate

fā qiú发球serve

qǔ yàng取样take a sample

qǔ jīng取经go on a pilgrimage for Buddhist scriptures; learn from somebody else's experience

shòu jīng受精be impregnated; be fertilized

shòu kǔ受苦suffer

shòu piàn受骗be taken in

fù yuán复原recover from an illness; restore

shī lì失利suffer a defeat/setback

shī xué失学drop out of school

shī shǒu失手make a slip of one's hand; suffer defeat in competition

shī xiào失效lose efficacy/effectiveness

shī míng失明lose one's sight

cún xīn存心cherish certain intentions; intentionally

duì hào对号check the number; fit

yán qī延期defer

kāi dāo开刀operate; make somebody the first target of attack

dé shǒu得手go smoothly; accomplish/attain/obtain/reach one's end

mù míng慕名admire a famous person

chéng qīn成亲marry

dǎ zhēn打针give an injection

bào jià报价make an offer; quoted price/rate

tái shǒu抬手raise one's hand; make an exception in somebody's favour

chōu shuǐ抽水draw water; shrink

chōu kòng抽空find time/leisure

chōu fēng抽风convulse; go crazy

zhāo gōng招工recruit workers

zhāo shǒu招手beckon

guà shuài挂帅be in command; take charge

tǐng shēn挺身straighten one's back

diào tóu掉头turn one's head away; make a U-turn

shōu gōng收工knock off

fàng huǒ放火commit arson; create disturbances

zhěng róng整容tidy up one's appearance; perform face-lifting

wǎn diǎn晚点be behind schedule

yǎn xì演戏act in a play; act

diǎn míng点名call the roll; mention somebody

diǎn huǒ点火light a fire; stir up trouble

liú xīn留心be careful

dēng mén登门call at somebody's house

pò àn破案solve a case

pò mén破门break open a door; score a goal

lí zhí离职leave one's job temporarily; leave office

jī féi积肥collect/stock up/lay in manure; fertilizer applied before planting or transplanting

suàn mìng算命fortune-telling

guǎn shì管事run affairs; effective

liàn gōng练功do exercises in gymnastics, wushu, acrobatics, etc.

jié àn结案close a case

jué jīng绝经stop menstruating

jù cān聚餐have a dinner party

tuō jié脱节come apart

tuō shēn脱身extricate oneself

luò shuǐ落水fall into water; fall into evil ways

luò kōng落空fail

rèn mìng认命accept one's fate

rèn shū认输admit/acknowledge defeat

tǎo jià讨价ask a price

ràng lì让利discount

xǔ yuàn许愿vow; promise somebody a reward

píng jiǎng评奖decide on awards through discussion

píng jí评级grade

tiáo wèi调味season

tán xīn谈心have a heart-to-heart talk

fù shāng负伤be wounded

bài jiā败家dissipate the family fortune

fèi lì费力exert/take great effort

fèi xīn费心take a lot of trouble; May I trouble you ?

gǎn lù赶路set off

zhuǎn wān转弯turn; change one's view

jìn huò进货replenish one's stock; buy stocks

tōng háng通航open

suí xīn随心follow one's own inclinations; find something satisfactory

qǔ míng取名name

dǎ pái打牌play cards or mahjong; exploit something for one's own ends

sàn kāi散开disperse

tán xiào谈笑talk/chat and laugh

jiàn gōng建功do a deed of merit

dé liǎn得脸win praise; win/gain favour

pò kǒu破口get a cut; breach

yǒu wèi有味be smelly; tasty