Common separable words HSK 4

Here are all the common separable words in HSK 4.

shàng sè上色best-quality; color

jiāo xīn交心lay one's heart bare

jiāo huǒ交火fight

rèn kè任课teach a course

shāng fēng伤风cold; catch cold

zuò jià作价evaluate

zuò bǎo作保be somebody's guarantor

tíng yè停业stop doing business temporarily; go out of business

tíng gōng停工stop work

rù ěr入耳be pleasant to the ear; reach/ greet one's ear

yǎng jiā养家raise a family

yǎng bìng养病recuperate

yǎng lù养路maintain a road or railway

mào huǒ冒火give off sparks; burn with anger

jiǎn yuán减员deplete numbers; cut down on the size of a staff

chū jià出价offer a price

chū cǎi出彩apply red to somebody to indicate bleeding; make a show of oneself

chū huò出货sell goods; sell shares

huà qīng划清make a clear distinction

jiā wēn加温raise the temperature; strengthen

mài mìng卖命work oneself to the bone; die for

yā jià压价demand a lower price

qù huǒ去火reduce internal heat

fā fú发福put on/gain weight

shòu jīng受惊be frightened/startled

shòu qì受气be bullied

shòu pìn受聘accept betrothal gifts; accept an appointment

jiào kǔ叫苦moan and groan

wéi chéng围城encircle/besiege a city; besieged city

shī xìn失信break one's promise

shī huǒ失火catch fire

cún huò存货stock up; stock

dìng dū定都choose a site for the capital

fēng kǒu封口heal; seal

yìng jǐng应景do something reluctantly for the occasion or situation; be in season

kāi huǒ开火open fire; attack

yǐn lù引路lead the way

dé bìng得病be infected with a disease

chéng cái成材grow into useful timber; become a useful person

dǎ qù打趣make fun of

dǎ léi打雷thunder

yáng míng扬名become famous

zhé jià折价convert into money; sell at a reduced price

chōu shēn抽身get away

bài shī拜师acknowledge somebody as one's teacher/master

guà zhí挂职hold a temporary leading post; reserve one's original position

àn lǐ按理according to reason

jiē xiàn接线connect with a lead; wiring

tí jià提价raise prices

tí huò提货take delivery of goods

shōu chǎng收场ending; stop

gǎi kǒu改口correct oneself; address somebody by a different name/title

gǎi háng改行divert

sàn chǎng散场be over

zhěng fēng整风rectify incorrect styles of work or thinking

yǒu dǐ有底know how things stand and feel confident of handling them

fú shū服输acknowledge defeat

sōng kǒu松口relax one's bite; be less unyielding

sōng shǒu松手let go; slack up

biāo jià标价mark the price; marked price

zhǐ bù止步halt

méi mìng没命die; desperately

huó mìng活命scrape along; save somebody's life

liàn yóu炼油refine crude oil/petroleum; extract/render oil by heat

shāo xiāng烧香burn joss sticks; bribe

zhào bàn照办act in accordance with

shēng huǒ生火make/light a fire; stoker

liú qíng留情show mercy/forgiveness

kàn pò看破see through

tū wéi突围break through an encirclement

hóng liǎn红脸blush; flush with anger

jué jiāo绝交break off relations

jué qíng绝情heartless; sever the friendship/relationship

tuō fà脱发lose hair

tuō shǒu脱手let go; sell

tuō xiǎn脱险be out of danger

luò wǎng落网fall into the net

luò xuǎn落选fail to be chosen or elected

luò mǎ落马fall off a horse; lose a battle

jiě wéi解围lift/raise a siege; help somebody out of a predicament

ràng zuò让座give up or offer one's seat; invite a guest to be seated

tiáo jià调价readjust prices

tán tiān谈天chat

fèi shì费事take a lot of trouble

zǒu huǒ走火discharge/fire accidentally; spark

gǎn chē赶车catch a vehicle; drive a cart or carriage

guò huǒ过火go too far

jìn cān进餐have a meal

tōng shāng通商have trade relations

yù xiǎn遇险meet with a mishap

jiàng jí降级downgrade; send to a lower grade

shùn shuǐ顺水go downstream

shàng xiāng上香go to a temple to pray

jiā jià加价mark up the price

xué yì学艺learn a skill; knowledge and skills

fēng shān封山close off a mountain and protect it from grazing, hunting, etc.; close/seal a mountain pass

dé míng得名be given a name or fame

yáng shǒu扬手wave

shōu lǐ收礼accept a present

mào yān冒烟rise; flare up