交差report to the leadership after accomplishing a task
传道preach; propagate Confucianist doctrines
停职suspend somebody from his duties
入梦fall asleep; appear in one's dream
出格over-the-top; extraordinary in word and deed
出科graduate from a traditional opera school
卖艺make a living as a performer
发毛be panicky; lose one's temper
受热be heated; be affected by the heat
填词fill in words to fit a given tune
定案decide/determine a case; verdict
寒心be bitterly disappointed; fearful
对火use another person's lighted pipe to light one's own
开价ask/quote a price; opening price
开光consecrate; have a hair cut or shave
开标open the sealed tenders/bids
打鼓beat a drum; feel uncertain or nervous
收心concentrate on more serious things; have a change of heart
放款grant a loan; lend money at interest
留影have a picture taken as a souvenir; photo taken as a memento/keepsake
绝路leave no way out; blind alley
议价negotiate a price; negotiated price
误事cause delay in work or business
赶场hurry from one theatre to another to perform
交运be in luck; delivery transportation
划线categorize according to some criterion