Common separable words HSK 4

Here are all the common separable words in HSK 4.

chéng liáng乘凉relax in a cool place

mǎi tōng买通bribe

jiāo chāi交差report to the leadership after accomplishing a task

qīn zuǐ亲嘴kiss

chuán huà传话pass on a message

chuán dào传道preach; propagate Confucianist doctrines

shǐ huài使坏be up to mischief

dào chē倒车reverse a car

tíng zhí停职suspend somebody from his duties

tíng kè停课suspend classes

rù mèng入梦fall asleep; appear in one's dream

rù mí入迷be enchanted

yǎng shāng养伤nurse one's injury

jiǎn jià减价mark down

chū gé出格over-the-top; extraordinary in word and deed

chū pái出牌play a card

chū kē出科graduate from a traditional opera school

dào zhí到职take office

mài yì卖艺make a living as a performer

fā máo发毛be panicky; lose one's temper

qǔ lè取乐seek pleasure

qǔ jǐng取景find a view

shòu liáng受凉catch cold

shòu jiǎng受奖be rewarded

shòu hán受寒catch a chill

shòu rè受热be heated; be affected by the heat

hé yì合意congenial

hé yǎn合眼sleep; pass away

gào mì告密nform against somebody

tián cí填词fill in words to fit a given tune

shī yuē失约fail to keep an appointment

shī yán失言make an indiscreet remark

shī shēn失身lose one's virginity

dìng àn定案decide/determine a case; verdict

hán xīn寒心be bitterly disappointed; fearful

duì huǒ对火use another person's lighted pipe to light one's own

kāi jià开价ask/quote a price; opening price

kāi guāng开光consecrate; have a hair cut or shave

kāi biāo开标open the sealed tenders/bids

yǐn huǒ引火ignite

dé zhì得志achieve one's ambition

dé kòng得空have spare time

dǎ gǔ打鼓beat a drum; feel uncertain or nervous

guà shī挂失declare the loss

shòu jiǎng授奖award somebody a prize

diào duì掉队lag; be behind the times

tí qīn提亲propose a marriage alliance

shōu xīn收心concentrate on more serious things; have a change of heart

gǎi dào改道divert; change its course

fàng kuǎn放款grant a loan; lend money at interest

sàn huǒ散伙dissolve; break up

sàn huì散会be over

sàn xīn散心drive away one's cares

zhěng dì整地prepare soil

zhí pí植皮make skin grafts

xǐ pái洗牌shuffle cards; reorganize

kǎo huǒ烤火warm oneself by a fire

shāo huǒ烧火make a fire

liú yǐng留影have a picture taken as a souvenir; photo taken as a memento/keepsake

dēng jī登基ascend the throne

pò wǎng破网score a goal

zhù jiǔ祝酒toast

hóng yǎn红眼see red; be jealous of

jué yù绝育sterilize

jué lù绝路leave no way out; blind alley

quē kè缺课be absent from school

tuō máo脱毛lose hair or feathers

tuō pí脱皮exuviate

tuō sè脱色decolourize; fade

luò zuò落座be seated

luò kuǎn落款names of the sender and recipient written on a painting, calligraphic work, book, letter, gift, etc.; sign one's name

yào jià要价ask a price; offer terms

guān lǐ观礼attend a celebration

jiě jìn解禁lift a ban

jiě pìn解聘dismiss

tǎo jiào讨教consult

tǎo fàn讨饭beg for food

yì jià议价negotiate a price; negotiated price

wù shì误事cause delay in work or business

diào tóu调头now written as 掉头

fù xīn负心be untrue

hè nián贺年pay a New Year call

gǎn chǎng赶场hurry from one theatre to another to perform

qǐ yí起疑become suspicious

yíng qīn迎亲go to meet the bride

jìn xiāng进香offer incense

sòng mìng送命go to one's doom

yàn guāng验光have one's eyesight tested

shàng yóu上油apply oil

jiāo yùn交运be in luck; delivery transportation

huà xiàn划线categorize according to some criterion

kè yìn刻印engrave a seal; cut stencils and print

dēng bào登报publish in the newspaper

quē huò缺货be in short supply

xíng piàn行骗practice fraud

shòu lěng受冷catch cold

dān jīng担惊worry about somebody

hòu liǎn厚脸be cheeky

huì qīn会亲first meet

méi wèi没味be boring; be tasteless