Yu Wen Grade 7(A)

Chinese textbooks
Here are all the words you need to know in Yu Wen Grade 7(A).

bù máo zhī dì不毛之地barren land

bù qiú shèn jiě不求甚解not seek deep understanding

qǐ gài乞丐beggar

zhēng zhí争执disagree

rén shēng dǐng fèi人声鼎沸a hubbub/babel of voices

qǐ pàn企盼look forward to

pèi fú佩服admire

lean on or against; rely on

guāng tū tū光秃秃bald

hope; another name for Hebei Province

yuān wang冤枉unfair; treat unjustly or unfairly

lěng qīng冷清deserted

líng luàn凌乱in a mess

chū lù出路way out; outlet for goods

dòng jī动机intention

yàn juàn厌倦be fed up with

dīng zhǔ叮嘱exhort

shēn yín呻吟groan

hū xiào呼啸whistle

hōng táng dà xiào哄堂大笑the whole room rocking with laughter

kū qì哭泣sob

cháo xiào嘲笑ridicule

tān tā坍塌collapse

ào mì奥秘profound mystery

wàngabsurd; presumptuous

ān wèi安慰console; feel encouraged

ān xiáng安详serene

xiǎo xīn yì yì小心翼翼very cautiously

zhàng peng帐篷tent

fèi xū废墟wasteland

zhāng yáng张扬publicize

wēi bó微薄scanty

sǒng yǒng怂恿egg somebody on

chàng rán怅然disappointed; #$

huǎng hū恍惚absent-minded; faint

huǐ hèn悔恨be bitterly remorseful

bēi chǔ悲楚sorrowful

jīng yà惊讶amazed

chéng jiè惩戒punish somebody to teach him a lesson

cán kuì惭愧ashamed

gǎn kǎi感慨heave/draw/utter a sigh

kāng kǎi慷慨fervent; generous

lǎn duò懒惰lazy

chuōpoke; sprain

cling to; dig up

niān qīng pà zhòng拈轻怕重be picky about one's job


pīn còu拼凑piece together

jiǎnpick up

duàn yǔ断语conclusion

mù sè暮色twilight

jí duān极端extreme; exceedingly

dòngbeam; house

xùn zhí殉职die at one's post

shuǐ qú水渠ditch

pài qiǎn派遣dispatch

liú tǎng流淌run

xiāo hào消耗consume; deplete

hùn wéi yī tán混为一谈confuse something with something else

liū da溜达go for a stroll

gǔn tàng滚烫burning/boiling/hissing/steaming hot

mò bù guān xīn漠不关心be indifferent to

jī dàng激荡surge; agitate

zhuóburn; bright

rè chén热忱zest; warmhearted

yóu yù犹豫be irresolute

xiá ài狭隘narrow; narrow and limited

zhuó mó琢磨carve and polish; polish

wèi jù畏惧fear

yìng lang硬朗hale and hearty; firm and powerful

tū wù突兀lofty; sudden

jīng yì qiú jīng精益求精constantly strive for perfection

chún cuì纯粹unadulterated; sheerly

thread; in detail

měi bù shèng shōu美不胜收so many beautiful things that one simply can't take them all in

huā tuán jǐn cù花团锦簇bouquets of flowers and piles of silk―rich multicoloured decorations

nüè dài虐待ill-treat

quán fú蜷伏curl up

jiàn yì sī qiān见异思迁be inconstant

lie on one's stomach; bend over

dòutease; provoke

bǐ bó鄙薄ignorant and shallow; scorn

chóu láo酬劳recompense

kù rè酷热extremely hot

fù hè附和echo

yù jǐng预警give early/advance warning

gāo míng高明extraordinary; expert

má mù bù rén麻木不仁numbed; apathetic

páo gēn wèn dǐ刨根问底get to the root of a matter

huǎng rán dà wù恍然大悟suddenly see the light

jīng huāng shī cuò惊慌失措be frightened out of one's wits

zhàn kāi绽开burst open

cēn cī bù qí参差不齐variable

pēng pēng怦怦go pit-a-pat

jié rán bù tóng截然不同different as black and white

cuō niǎn搓捻afterturn

chén mò guǎ yán沉默寡言be reticent

yóu rán ér shēng油然而生arise spontaneously

yūn xuàn晕眩feel dizzy

pí juàn bù kān疲倦不堪tired