HSK level V

Chinese textbooks
Here are all the words you need to know in HSK level 5.

yī zài一再again and again

yī lǜ一律same; all

yī dàn一旦one day; some day

yī zhì一致identical; together

yī bèi zi一辈子all one's life

xià zài下载transfer information to a computer from the Internet or another computer or download information from the Internet

yè yú业余spare time; nonprofessional

yè wù业务profession; vocational work

yán sù严肃serious; conscientious

xiǎng shòu享受enjoy; enjoyment

xiū xián休闲rest; lie fallow

yī rán依然remain as usual; still

xìn rèn信任trust

xìn hào信号signal; electric current, voltage, or wave carrying information

xiū gǎi修改amend

xiōng di兄弟brothers; fraternal

xiě zuò写作write


xù shù叙述recount


xī qǔ吸取absorb; suction

xī shōu吸收absorb; recruit

yǎobite; bark

xià lìng yíng夏令营summer camp

evening; grow dark

xiào shùn孝顺perform one's filial duty

xué lì学历record of formal schooling

xué shù学术learning

xué wen学问systematic knowledge that correctly reflects certain objective matters; learning

xuān chuán宣传disseminate

xuān bù宣布declare

yàn huì宴会banquet

xún zhǎo寻找seek

xiǎo qi小气mean; petty

xiǎo mài小麦wheat

xìng kuī幸亏luckily

xìng yùn幸运good chance; lucky

yán cháng延长extend

xíng shì形势topographical features; situation

xíng róng形容appearance; describe

xíng shì形式form

xíng chéng形成take shape

xíng zhuàng形状form

xíng xiàng形象image; imagery

xīn lǐ心理psychology; thoughts, emotions, etc.

xīn zàng心脏heart; center

xìng zhì性质character

xiǎng niàn想念long to see again

xiǎng xiàng想象imagination; imagine

xì jù戏剧drama; text/script of a play

yā jīn押金deposit


xiào lǜ效率ratio of useful work to the total work performed; efficiency

xiétilt; inclined

xiǎn de显得appear

xiǎn rán显然clearly

xiǎn shì显示show; show off

yàng shì样式style

xīn shǎng欣赏appreciate; like

xiēhave a rest; stop

xiāo huà消化digest; absorb/assimilate mentally

xiāo shī消失vanish

xiāo jí消极negative; inactive

xiāo fèi消费consume

yǎn jiǎng演讲give a lecture

yá chǐ牙齿tooth

xiàn dài现代modern times; modern

xiàn shí现实reality; real

xiàn xiàng现象phenomenon

yǎngitch; itch for a try

xiāng sì相似resemble; similarity

xiāng guān相关be interrelated

xiāng chǔ相处get along with

xiāng duì相对be opposite to each other; relative

xiāng dāng相当match; suitable

xiāblind; groundlessly

xì tǒng系统system; systematic

xì jié细节detail; a small plot used to express the character or the essential characteristics of things

xiōngthorax; mind

yāowaist; waist

xū xīn虚心humble


xíng wéi行为action

xíng rén行人pedestrian

xíng dòng行动get about; take action

yào bù要不otherwise; either...or...

xùn liàn训练train

xún wèn询问ask

xiàng zhēng象征symbolize; symbol

xiàng qí象棋chess

xùn sù迅速fast

xiāo shòu销售sell

yáng tái阳台balcony

xiàn zhì限制restrict; confinement

fog; fine spray of water

xiàngnape; a surname

xiàng mù项目item; project

xiàng liàn项链necklace

xiāng cháng香肠sausage

xiān yàn鲜艳bright-coloured