HSK level V

Chinese textbooks
Here are all the words you need to know in HSK level 5.

wàn yī万一one in ten thousand; eventuality

wěi dà伟大great; extraordinary

wèi yú位于be located

wèi zhi位置place; place

tǐ huì体会learn/know from experience; understanding

tǐ xiàn体现embody

tǐ tiē体贴show consideration for

tǐ yàn体验learn through practice; experience

tōusteal; thief

tù zi兔子hare


wò shì卧室bedroom

wēi hài危害jeopardize

tái jiē台阶staircase; opportunity to extricate somebody from embarrassment or predicament: way out

wěnlips; animal's mouth

wéi yī唯一only

tuáncircular; roll

wéi jīn围巾muffler

wéi rào围绕round; centre on

tǔ di土地local god of the land

tǔ dòu土豆potato

tǎn shuài坦率blunt

wài jiāo外交diplomacy

wài gōng外公maternal grandfather

tiān zhēn天真innocent; simple-minded

tiān kōng天空sky

tài tai太太madam; Mrs

tài jí quán太极拳a kind of traditional Chinese shadow boxing

tàocover; overlap

wěi qu委屈feel wronged; put somebody to great inconvenience

wēi xié威胁threaten

wán shàn完善perfect; make perfect

wán zhěng完整complete

wán měi完美perfect

wěi ba尾巴tail; tail-like part

wū zi屋子room

wǎng fǎn往返go/travel to and fro

wēi xiào微笑smile; smile

suǒplace; used in the names of institutions

tóu rù投入put/throw/go into; concentrate on

tóu zī投资invest; investment

tiǎo zhàn挑战provoke the enemy to battle; challenge to a contest

tuī guǎng推广popularize

tuī jiàn推荐recommend

tuī cí推辞decline

tí chàng提倡advocate

tí gāng提纲outline

tí wèn提问quiz; question raised/asked

wò shǒu握手shake/clasp hands

wén jiàn文件document; papers

wén jù文具stationery

wén zì文字characters; written language

wén xué文学literature

wén míng文明civilization; civilized

wú nài无奈resign oneself to; but

wú suǒ wèi无所谓not deserve the name of; be indifferent

wú shù无数countless; be uncertain

wèi bì未必not necessarily

wèi lái未来future; coming

táofruit of the peach tree; walnut

wǔ shù武术kung fu

wāirecline; askew

táo qì淘气naughty; become angry

wēn nuǎn温暖warm; make somebody feel kindness/warmth

wēn róu温柔gentle

tàngburn; warm

wù lǐ物理innate laws of things; physics

wù zhì物质matter; material things

tè zhēng特征characteristic

tè shū特殊special

tè sè特色characteristic

wáng zǐ王子prince

wán jù玩具toy

téng ài疼爱love dearly

tòng kuài痛快joyful; to one's great satisfaction

tòng kǔ痛苦pain

wěn dìng稳定stable; stabilize

tū chū突出break through; projecting

tǒng yī统一unify; unified

wéi xiū维修maintain

wǎng luò网络network; web

wèistomach; one of the 28 constellations of the celestial sphere

wèi kǒu胃口appetite; liking

tǎo jià huán jià讨价还价bargain

tiáo zhěng调整adjust; modulate

tiáo pí调皮naughty; unruly

tán pàn谈判negotiate

wéi fǎn违反infringe

tuì退retreat; cause to move back

tuì xiū退休go into retirement

tuì bù退步fall behind; room for manoeuvre

táorun away; dodge

táo bì逃避evade

tòu míng透明diaphanous; open

tōng cháng通常usual; ordinarily

suǒlock; lock a door, case, drawer, etc., or secure something with a chain

wèn hòu问候send one's respects/regards to; compliments

wénhear; news

tí mù题目title; examination questions

spit; say