HSK level VI

Chinese textbooks
Here are all the words you need to know in HSK level 6.

miǎn de免得so as to avoid

miǎn yì免疫immunity

nèi zài内在inherent; inner

nèi mù内幕inside story

nèi hán内涵intension; self-cultivation

mào chōng冒充pass somebody or something off as

mào fàn冒犯offend

miǎn lì勉励encourage

miǎn qiǎng勉强force somebody to do something; incapable but determined

nán yuán běi zhé南辕北辙go south by driving the chariot north

míng fù qí shí名副其实be something in reality as well as in name

míng cì名次place in a competition

míng yù名誉reputation; honorary

míng é名额quota

mìng míng命名name

luō suo啰唆long winded; trivial

maparticle for indicating something which is obvious

mái fú埋伏lie in ambush; ambush

mán yuàn埋怨blame somebody

mái mò埋没bury; bury

mái zàng埋葬bury; eliminate

méi jiè媒介medium

mì fēng密封seal up; hermetic

mì dù密度density; density

nián dù年度year

mí màn弥漫diffuse

mí bǔ弥补remedy

máng lù忙碌be busy

nǎo huǒ恼火annoyed

màn xìng慢性chronic; slow to manifest and extended

mǒ shā抹杀obliterate

nǐ dìng拟定draft; conjecture and conclude

ná shǒu拿手be good at

miáo huì描绘depict; draw/give/paint a picture

mó cā摩擦rub; friction

mō suǒ摸索feel about; try to find out

mǐn jié敏捷quick

mǐn ruì敏锐keen; perceptive

míng míng明明obviously

míng zhì明智sensible


mián huā棉花algondon;cotton wadding

mó xíng模型model; cast

mó shì模式mode; schema

mú yàng模样appearance; about

mó fàn模范model; examplary

mǔ yǔ母语mother tongue; parent language

mín zhǔ民主democracy; democratic

mín jiān民间folk; unofficial

mù yù沐浴take a bath; be bathed in

miǎo xiǎo渺小insignificant

màn huà漫画caricature

màn cháng漫长seemingly endless

miè wáng灭亡be destroyed; peril

měng liè猛烈fierce; rapid

mù guāng目光sight; gaze

mù dǔ目睹see with one's own eyes

máng mù盲目unseeing

narrow one's eyes; take a nap

miáo zhǔn瞄准aim; cater to

mǎ tou码头wharf; port city

mó hé磨合break/grind/wear in; learn to get along

nà mèn r纳闷儿be perplexed

měi miào美妙beautiful

měi mǎn美满happy and complete

měi guān美观pleasing to the eye

nài yòng耐用durable

néng liàng能量energy; ability

mài bó脉搏pulse

membrane; thin coating

mào shèng茂盛luxuriant; booming

máng rán茫然ignorant; disappointed

máng máng茫茫boundless and indistinct

mò míng qí miào莫名其妙inexplicable

méng yá萌芽sprout; germ

luò shí落实be practicable/workable; fix/decide in advance

luò chéng落成be completed

miè shì蔑视show contempt for

màn yán蔓延trail

miǎo shì藐视despise

mǎ yǐ蚂蚁ant

móu qiú谋求seek

mí yǔ谜语riddle

màistep; advanced in years

mí rén迷人bewitching; #$

mí xìn迷信make a fetish of; blind faith

mí huò迷惑confuse; confused

nì xíng逆行go against the traffic; retrograde motion

nán kān难堪intolerable; embarrassed

nán dé难得rare; seldom

nán néng kě guì难能可贵highly commendable

miàn zi面子outer part; reputation

miàn mào面貌face; look

mó shù魔术magic

mó guǐ魔鬼devil

má mù麻木numb; apathetic

má bì麻痹paralysis; numbed

má zuì麻醉anaesthetize; corrupt

mò mò默默silently

luò yì bù jué络绎不绝in an endless stream