HSK level VI

Chinese textbooks
Here are all the words you need to know in HSK level 6.

lín chuáng临床clinical

lè yì乐意be willing to do something; satisfied

lè qù乐趣pleasure

kuī dài亏待treat shabbily; treat unfairly

kuī sǔn亏损have a deficit; become physically weak

líng lì伶俐clever

lì wài例外be an exception; exception

lěng què冷却make/become cool

lěng luò冷落treat coldly; desolate

lěng kù冷酷callous

líng chén凌晨early/small/wee hours of the morning

liè jǔ列举list

lì hai利害now written as 厉害

lì zhēng力争strive to do something; argue strongly

lì suǒ néng jí力所能及as one's capacity allows

lì qiú力求do one's best to do something

lì dài历代successive/past dynasties; previous/past generations

lì lái历来always

lìn sè吝啬stingy

láo dao唠叨be garrulous

lafusion of the sounds 了·le and 啊·ɑ and thus acquiring the meanings of both words to express exclamation and interrogation

lǎ ba喇叭trumpet; loudspeaker

lǒng duàn垄断monopolize

lǚ cì屡次time and again

lǚ xíng履行carry out

lián jié廉洁whitehanded

lèngdumbfounded; rash

lǎn duò懒惰lazy

kuò chōng扩充augment

kuò zhāng扩张expand; dilate

kuò sàn扩散diffuse

kǔn bǎng捆绑tie up

lāoscoop up from a liquid; get by improper means

lüè duó掠夺pillage

liàngdry in the air; dry in the sun

lái lì来历background

lái yuán来源origin; stem from

lán mù栏目title of a column

kuàng jià框架framework; framework

liú máng流氓rogue; immoral behaviour

liú làng流浪roam about

liú tōng流通circulation; circulate

liú lù流露betray

liūglide; slip away

líng gǎn灵感inspiration

líng mǐn灵敏sensitive

líng hún灵魂soul; heart

lú zào炉灶kitchen/cooking range

láo gù牢固firm

láo sāo牢骚complaint; complain

láng tūn hǔ yàn狼吞虎咽gobble up

láng bèi狼狈in a difficult position

lǐ suǒ dāng rán理所当然as a matter of course

lǐ zhì理智reason; rational

lǐ zhí qì zhuàng理直气壮be in the right and self-confident

lǐ cǎi理睬pay attention/heed to

liú niàn留念do as a memento

liú liàn留恋be reluctant to leave

liú shén留神take care

kuàng chǎn矿产minerals

lǐ shàng wǎng lái礼尚往来reciprocal courtesy

lǐ jié礼节courtesy

lì jiāo qiáo立交桥bridge or other passageway over a road or railway for vehicles towards all directions

lì tǐ立体three-dimensional; solid

lì chǎng立场position; political stance

lì fāng立方cube; cube

lì zú立足gain/keep a foothold; base oneself upon

lǒng zhào笼罩envelop

lèi sì类似analogous

grain; of grainlike things

lián xiǎng联想think of; association

lián huān联欢have a get-together

lián méng联盟alliance; union of individuals, organizations or classes

lián luò联络get in touch

liáng xīn良心conscience

là zhú蜡烛candle

lùn tán论坛forum

lùn zhèng论证proof; expound and prove

liàng jiě谅解understand

lún kuò轮廓contour; general/rough idea

lún tāi轮胎shoe

lún chuán轮船ship

liáo kuò辽阔vast

lián tóng连同along with

lián nián连年for years running

lián suǒ连锁chain

lǐ chéng bēi里程碑milestone; milestone in the course of historical development

lóng zhòng隆重grand

líng xīng零星fragmentary; scattered

léi dá雷达radar

lǐng shì guǎn领事馆consulate

lǐng huì领会grasp

lǐng xiān领先be in the lead; be ahead of

lǐng tǔ领土territory

lǐng wù领悟grasp

lǐng xiù领袖leader

lí míng黎明dawn

lóng yǎ聋哑deaf and dumb

lǒuembrace; perimeter of the rough circle formed by the two arms in a hugging position

línpour; sprinkle