乐意be willing to do something; satisfied
亏待treat shabbily; treat unfairly
亏损have a deficit; become physically weak
凌晨early/small/wee hours of the morning
力争strive to do something; argue strongly
力求do one's best to do something
历代successive/past dynasties; previous/past generations
捞scoop up from a liquid; get by improper means
晾dry in the air; dry in the sun
理直气壮be in the right and self-confident
立交桥bridge or other passageway over a road or railway for vehicles towards all directions
立足gain/keep a foothold; base oneself upon
联盟alliance; union of individuals, organizations or classes
里程碑milestone; milestone in the course of historical development
搂embrace; perimeter of the rough circle formed by the two arms in a hugging position