HSK level VI

Chinese textbooks
Here are all the words you need to know in HSK level 6.

qiū líng丘陵hills

qǐ gài乞丐beggar

qīn mì亲密close

qīn rè亲热affectionate; show love through action

qǐ tú企图attempt; attempt

qīn fàn侵犯invade the territory of another country; violate

qīn lüè侵略invade

qīng xiàng倾向prefer; tendency

qīng tīng倾听be all ears for

qīng xié倾斜incline; be in favour of

quán lì yǐ fù全力以赴do one's utmost

quán jú全局situation as a whole

qiè shí切实realistic; conscientious

qián tí前提premise; prerequisite

qián jǐng前景foreground; prospect

qín jiǎn勤俭assiduous and thrifty

qín láo勤劳industrious

qū fēn区分differentiate

qū yù区域region

qiān fāng bǎi jì千方百计by hook or crook

qǔ dì取缔ban

qǐ shì启事announcement

qǐ shì启示enlighten; enlightenment

qǐ chéng启程start on a journey

qǐ méng启蒙impart basic knowledge; popularize new knowledge to deliver people from fatuity and superstition

qì guān器官organ

qì cái器材equipment

quān tào圈套snare

qū fú屈服give in

qǐ yǒu cǐ lǐ岂有此理preposterous

qiáng zhì强制coerce

qiǎng pò强迫force

qià dào hǎo chù恰到好处just right for the purpose

qià qiǎo恰巧by chance/coincidence

qià dàng恰当appropriate

qíng xing情形circumstances

qíng bào情报intelligence

qíng lǐ情理reason

qíng jié情节plot; circumstances

qiǎng jié抢劫loot

qiǎng jiù抢救rescue

quán tou拳头fist; with high quality and strong competitiveness

qiāpinch; clutch

qíng lǎng晴朗sunny

qǔ zi曲子tune

qū zhé曲折intricate; complicated

quán wēi权威authority; person or organ of authority

quán héng权衡sliding weight and beam of a steelyard; balance

qiáo liáng桥梁structure built across water or in the air to provide passage for pedestrians, vehicles, etc.; person or thing that serves as a link

qì gōng气功qigong; a type of martial art

qì shì气势imposing manner

qì yā气压air/atmospheric pressure

qì wèi气味smell; smack

qì gài气概lofty quality

qì sè气色complexion

qì xiàng气象meteorological phenomena; meteorology

qì zhì气质temperament; qualities

qì pò气魄daring and energy; imposing manner

qià tán洽谈consult

qīng chén清晨early morning

qīng xī清晰clear

qīng jié清洁clean

qīng chè清澈limpid

qīng lǐ清理deal with

qīng zhēn清真plain; Islam

qīng xǐng清醒sober; regain consciousness

qīng chú清除clear away

qú dào渠道ditch; way

qián lì潜力latent capacity

qián shuǐ潜水dive; underwater

qián yí mò huà潜移默化influence character by environment

qiānlead along; involve

qiān zhì牵制check

qiān chě牵扯involve


qiào mén窍门key

qiān shǔ签署sign

quē kǒu缺口breach; gap

quē xí缺席be absent

quē xiàn缺陷defect

qiàostick up

qǐng tiě请帖invitation card

qǐng jiào请教ask for advice

qǐng jiǎn请柬written invitation

qǐng shì请示ask for instructions

qiān xùn谦逊modest and humble

qiǎn zé谴责condemn

qǐ fú起伏rise and fall; ups and downs

qǐ chū起初originally

qǐ hòng起哄gather together to create a disturbance/to stir up trouble; boo and hoot

qǐ yuán起源originate; origin

qǐ mǎ起码minimum; at least

qǐ cǎo起草draft

qù wèi趣味interest; preference

qiān jiù迁就accommodate oneself to

qiān xǐ迁徙move

qīn pèi钦佩admire

qiè ér bù shě锲而不舍persist without stopping

qū zhú驱逐banish

qì jīn wéi zhǐ迄今为止so far