HSK level VI

Chinese textbooks
Here are all the words you need to know in HSK level 6.

piān piān偏偏wilfully; contrary to expectation

piān pì偏僻remote

piān chā偏差aberration; deviation

piān jiàn偏见bias

ǒu xiàng偶像idol

nóng lì农历traditional Chinese calendar; farmers' almanac

qī liáng凄凉desolate; miserable

níng gù凝固solidify; fixed

níng jù凝聚condensation; distill

níng shì凝视gaze fixedly

pàn jué判决pass judgement; judgement

chop; right against one's face, chest, etc.

ǒu tù呕吐vomit

pǐn cháng品尝taste

pǐn dé品德quality

pǐn zhǒng品种sort; breed

pǐn zhì品质character; quality

hillside; sloping

péi yù培育cultivate; bring up

qí miào奇妙marvellous

nú lì奴隶slave; people who are oppressed and exploited

nìng yuàn宁愿would rather...than...

nìng kěn宁肯would rather

pì gu屁股hindquarters; end

píng mù屏幕screen

píng zhàng屏障barrier; protect

píng fán平凡ordinary

píng yuán平原plain

píng tǎn平坦even

píng yōng平庸mediocre

píng xíng平行parallel; simultaneous

píng miàn平面plane

páng dà庞大massive

pái huái徘徊wander; hesitate

throw oneself on; devote

niǔ zhuǎn扭转turn around/round/away; reverse

pī pàn批判criticize; criticism

pī fā批发buy/sell at wholesale; be authorized for dispatch

pāo qì抛弃abandon

pīn mìng拼命risk one's life; do one's best

pīn bó拼搏go all out

nuómove; misappropriate

niēpinch; knead

pěnghold/carry something in both hands; handful

pái fàng排放emit

pái chì排斥exclude

pái liàn排练rehearse

pái chú排除eliminate

piěthrow; used for things resembling the left-falling stroke

pān dēng攀登clamber

qí zhì旗帜flag; model

qí páo旗袍cheongsam

pǔ jí普及be universalized in; popularize

qī wàng期望desire; hope

qī xiàn期限time limit

pǔ shí朴实simple; plain and sincere

pǔ sù朴素plain; thrifty

qī fu欺负bully

qī piàn欺骗deceive

qí shì歧视discriminate

ōu dǎ殴打hit

pào mò泡沫foam

splash; rude and unreasonable

pài bié派别faction

pài qiǎn派遣dispatch

nóng hòu浓厚dense; deep

piāo fú漂浮float; float in the mind

pù bù瀑布waterfall

pēng rèn烹饪cooking

piàn kè片刻an instant

piàn duàn片断fragmentary; #$

pànside; boundary

pí juàn疲倦tired and sleepy

pí bèi疲惫exhausted; wear

pí gé皮革leather

pén dì盆地basin

pán xuán盘旋hover; hang on

pò lì破例make an exception

nüè dài虐待ill-treat

pì rú譬如take for example/instance

píng gū评估assess

píng lùn评论comment on; commentary

pín fá贫乏poor; wretchedly lacking

pín kùn贫困impoverished; poverty

lie on one's stomach; bend over

pò bù jí dài迫不及待too impatient to wait

pò hài迫害persecute

pèi ǒu配偶spouse; mate

pèi bèi配备equip; dispose

pèi tào配套coordinate


inclined to one side; quite

pín lǜ频率rate; number of occurrences of something per unit of time

pín fán频繁frequent

piāo yáng飘扬fly

pò lì魄力boldness

qí quán齐全complete

qí xīn xié lì齐心协力make concerted efforts


nǐngscrew; wrong