D Chinese ACC II

Chinese textbooks
Here are all the words you need to know in Developing Chinese 6.

yī dàn一旦one day; some day

zhēng yì争议dispute

shì yí事宜arrangements

xiè dú亵渎blaspheme

rèn mìng任命commission; appointment

qǐ mù企慕admire

chuán jiào传教do missionary work

zuò xiù作秀perform; hold exhibition and promotion activities for sales, election, etc.

yī xī依稀vague

cù chéng促成facilitate; force

qīng zhù倾注pour into/down; throw/pour into

xiān hé先河beginning

gòng jì共计total; discuss/plan together

guān tóu关头critical juncture

pànpass a verdict; distinguish

gē shě割舍part with

bó ài博爱universal love; a name of a county in Henan Province

hòu ài厚爱great kindness

kǒu jì口技ventriloquism

lìng qǐ lú zào另起炉灶make a fresh start; become independent

zhào huí召回recall

tóng rén同仁now written as 同人

páo xiào咆哮roar; roar with fury/rage

hōng táng dà xiào哄堂大笑the whole room rocking with laughter

wēi xìn威信prestige

ān zàng安葬bury in state

jiā yù hù xiǎo家喻户晓known to all

fēng bì封闭seal; close down

wěitail; one of the 28 constellations into which the celestial sphere was divided in ancient Chinese astronomy

lǚ lǚ屡屡again and again

chóng shàng崇尚uphold

tent; office of a commanding officer during a war

xīn xuè心血painstaking care/effort; the heart blood

rěn jùn bù jīn忍俊不禁cannot help laughing

è zuò jù恶作剧practical joke; embarrass somebody by making practical jokes or acting mischievously

wèi jiè慰藉comfort

biēhold back; oppressed

zhí fǎ执法administer justice

niǔ dǎ扭打wrestle

jū yā拘押detain

zhāo bīng mǎi mǎ招兵买马recruit followers

tiǎo zhàn挑战provoke the enemy to battle; challenge to a contest

shòu yǔ授予award

xiécarry; take somebody by the hand

shōu liǎn收敛disappear; pull back

jiào huì教会church

wú suǒ shì cóng无所适从not know what to do

wú dú yǒu ǒu无独有偶it isn’t unique, but has its counterpart

bào nù暴怒violent rage

tì bǔ替补substitute for; person who substitutes for others

yǒu bǎn yǒu yǎn有板有眼orderly

quán wēi权威authority; person or organ of authority

jià shi架势posture; condition

liángroof beam; bridge

shuǐ wén水文hydrology

liú chàng流畅smooth

liú lù流露betray

jī nù激怒enrage

huǒ bào火暴fiery; vigorous

fàn guī犯规break/violate the rules; foul

pànside; boundary

liú liàn留恋be reluctant to leave

cuō shāng磋商consult

lǐ shàng wǎng lái礼尚往来reciprocal courtesy

lí qí离奇strange

chēng hào称号title

wō nang窝囊frustrated; good-for-nothing

cè huà策划plan; the planner

guǎn xiá管辖have jurisdiction over

zǔ jiàn组建form

zhōng zhǐ终止stop; cadence

xiū rǔ羞辱humiliation; humiliate

zhī tǐ肢体limbs; limbs and trunk

róng hé融合fuse

xuè tǒng血统blood relationship

xuè mài血脉blood vessels; blood relationship

jī xiào讥笑jeer

quán shì诠释annotate

háo mén豪门wealthy and influential clan

duǒ bì躲避hide/conceal on purpose; avoid

zhuī suí追随follow

yí zhǔ遗嘱will

zāomeet with; time

yù mèn郁闷gloomy

xiǎn xiē险些narrowly

sāo luàn骚乱turmoil


mò mò wú wén默默无闻unknown to the public

àn rán黯然dark-looking; dismal

shēng míng láng jí声名狼藉be infamous

chóu kuǎn筹款raise cash

yì shì轶事anecdote

rù wèi入味tasty; interesting

qū zhé屈折bend; flexion

wēi jí cún wáng危急存亡danger and crisis

luǒ bēn裸奔dash naked

hún qiān mèng rào魂牵梦绕enchanting

shú zhēn shú jiǎ孰真孰假Which is true or false?

tí kè题刻inscription

zuò shì bù guǎn坐视不管sit watching