D Chinese ECC I

Chinese textbooks
Here are all the words you need to know in Developing Chinese 1.

zhìAA制go dutch

shàng yī上衣jacket

zhuān jiā专家expert

diūthrow; put aside

zhǔ yi主意idea; decision

xí guàn习惯be accustomed to; habit

rén men人们people

hand/turn over

at a short distance from the ground; hang down

pián yi便宜cheap; unearned gains

zuò fǎ做法method

běi fāng北方north; the northern part of the country

nán fāng南方the south; southern region

shuāngpair; even

biànbecome different; change in nature or state

kě lè可乐Coca Cola; funny

zán men咱们we; I

guó jiā国家country; complete territory of a country

dì qiú地球the earth

dà duō shù大多数the bulk

hǎo kàn好看good looking; interesting

bīn guǎn宾馆guesthouse

hán lěng寒冷cold

xiǎo fèi小费tip

chángtaste; try

zuǒ yòu左右the left and right sides; those in close attendance

chà bu duō差不多similar; almost

niánharvest; year

nián qīng年轻young; younger than

linear measure; degree of hardness, heat, density, humidity

yǐng xiǎng影响impinge; effect

yuàn yì愿意be willing; wish

mànslow; rude

chéngachievement; in considerable numbers or amounts

suǒ yǒu所有own; possessions

dǎ bāo打包bale; unpack

take; seize

huànexchange; change

shōuarrest; gain

shōu yīn jī收音机aural-type receiver

jiùused; past

wǎnevening; late

nuǎnwarm; warm up

yǒu diǎn r有点儿some; a bit

yǒu de有的some

tiáotwig; long narrow piece

yàng zi样子appearance; manner

zhuō zi桌子table

zhèng hǎo正好just in time; happen to

bǐ sài比赛have a contest/match; match

qì hòu气候climate; situation

qì wēn气温temperature

zhù yì注意pay attention to

qīng chu清楚clear; clear-headed

àilove; cherish

shēng qì生气take offence;life

shòuthin; lean

duǎnbrief; lack

tū rán突然sudden; suddenly

suàn le算了give up; enough

hóngred; red cloth, bunting, etc. used on festive occasions

hóng sè红色color red; revolutionary

liàn xí练习practice; exercises for schoolwork

jié zhàng结账settle accounts

lǎo rén老人old man or woman; one's aged parents

féifat; fertile

zì jǐ自己oneself; closely related

jié mù节目program

lánblue; indigo plant

chèn shān衬衫shirt

dài zi袋子bag

kù zi裤子trousers

record; remember

zhè xiē这些[indicating two or more persons or things] these

be fascinated by; be confused

nà me那么like that; about

nà xiē那些those

jiǔ bā酒吧bar

cuògrindstone for polishing jade; polish jade

xuěsnow; snow-like

líng qián零钱small change; pocket/spending money


yán sè颜色color;action taken to warn or punish somebody

fàn hé饭盒lunch-box

huángyellow; the Yellow River

huáng sè黄色yellow; vulgar

hēiblack; dark

hēi sè黑色black; illegal

fù qián付钱pay money

bié de别的other

lán sè蓝色blue

nà bian那边there

miàn tiáo面条noodles

nián qīng rén年轻人the young

líng xià零下below zero

shì yī jiān试衣间Fitting Room

xià xuě下雪snow

chǎngplace used for a particular purpose; site

hold; handle

hǎo de好的well