一劳永逸get something done once and for all
一蹶不振collapse after one setback
一鼓作气get something done with one big effort
不卑不亢neither haughty nor humble
不堪回首find it unbearable to recall
不翼而飞"fly without wings"; spread like wildfire/on the wings of the wind
亡羊补牢mend the fold after the sheep is lost
众目睽睽under the watchful eyes of people
出生入死brave the risk of one's life
前车之鉴warning taken from the overturned cart ahead
励精图治exert oneself to make the country prosperous
危言耸听exaggerate just to scare people
呼之欲出seem ready to come out at one's call
喜新厌旧be fond of the new and tired of the old
嘘寒问暖inquire after somebody's well-being
天壤之别as far apart as heaven and earth
始作俑者creator of a bad precedent
孤注一掷put all one's eggs in one basket
居安思危be vigilant in times of peace
异曲同工sing different songs with equal skill-different in approach but equally satisfactory in result
心悦诚服feel a heartfelt admiration
心照不宣both understand from their hearts what the matter is but don’t choose to say so in public
想入非非allow one's fancy to run wild
执迷不悟obstinately stick to a wrong course
捉襟见肘be in strained circumstances
无独有偶it isn’t unique, but has its counterpart
望尘莫及be left in someone's tracks
朝思暮想yearn for something day and night
海市蜃楼mirage; illusions or hopes that cannot be realized
游刃有余plenty of room to move one's blade; be highly skilled
炙手可热haughty arrogance of somebody with great power
熟视无睹pay no attention to a familiar sight
特立独行independent in mind and action
移风易俗transform social traditions
良莠不齐The crop and the weed grow together.
虎视眈眈glare like a tiger eyeing its prey
诚惶诚恐in veneration and trepidation
贪赃枉法take bribes and bend the law
趾高气扬strut about and give oneself airs
踌躇满志enormously proud of one's success
重蹈覆辙follow the same old road to ruin
铤而走险take a risk in desperation
顾此失彼attend to one thing and lose sight of another
高屋建瓴pour water off a steep roof—operate from a strategically advantageous position
魂飞魄散be frightened/scared out of one's wits/senses
龙腾虎跃scene of hustling and bustling activity
奔走相告rush around telling everyone
就地取材obtain raw material locally
心力交瘁be mentally and physically exhausted
神采奕奕brim with energy and vitality
错落有致be in picturesque/attractive disorder
徇私舞弊practise favouritism and engage in malpractices
无稽之谈unfounded statement/rumour