New HSK level 789-2

Chinese textbooks
New HSK 2022 level 789 part 2.

nǎibe; so

nǎi zhì乃至even


mù juān募捐collect donations

nán guā南瓜pumpkin; large pulpy round fruit of the pumpkin

míng lì名利fame and gain

míng fù qí shí名副其实be something in reality as well as in name

míng shēng名声reputation

míng qi名气fame

míng zhù名著masterpiece

míng yán名言famous dictum

míng guì名贵famous and precious

nà hǎn呐喊shout loudly; a collection of short stories by Lu Xun

mìnglifespan; command

mìng míng命名name

mìng tí命题set a question; proposition

mù dì墓地graveyard

mù bēi墓碑gravestone

China/Chinese ink; ink

tent; office of a commanding officer during a war

mù hòu幕后behind the scenes

miàotemple; temple fair

miào huì庙会Festival temple fair

nǎo xiū chéng nù恼羞成怒turn shame into anger

ná shǒu拿手be good at

náoscratch; hinder

miáo huì描绘depict; draw/give/paint a picture

mō suǒ摸索feel about; try to find out

mǐn jié敏捷quick

mǐn ruì敏锐keen; perceptive

míng mèi明媚bright and beautiful; bright and charming

míng zhì明智sensible

míng lǎng明朗bright and clear; obvious

mù ǒu木偶marionette; wooden image

mù jiang木匠carpenter

mù cái木材wood

mù bǎn木板plank; #$

mò rì末日Doomsday; doom

mó nǐ模拟imitate; simulation

mín zhòng民众the masses of the people

mín sú民俗folkways

mín bàn民办run by the local people; private

mín yòng民用for civil use

mò luò没落wane

miǎo xiǎo渺小insignificant

mò rán漠然indifferent

miè wáng灭亡be destroyed; peril

miè jué灭绝become extinct; lose completely

mǔ dān牡丹tree peony

mù chǎng牧场pastureland; livestock farm

mù mín牧民herdsman

mù bù zhuǎn jīng目不转睛gaze steadily

mù zhōng wú rén目中无人be supercilious

mù lù目录catalogue; table of contents

mù dǔ目睹see with one's own eyes

mù dèng kǒu dāi目瞪口呆be flabbergasted

miáo zhǔn瞄准aim; cater to

mó hé磨合break/grind/wear in; learn to get along

mó sǔn磨损wear and tear

mó nàn磨难hardship

mù sī lín穆斯林Muslim

nà rù纳入channel into

nà shuì纳税pay tax

nà shuì rén纳税人tax bearer

nà mèn r纳闷儿be perplexed

nàibe able to bear

nài rén xún wèi耐人寻味be thought-provoking

nài xìng耐性endurance

nǎo hǎi脑海brain

nǎo jīn脑筋brains; way of thinking

miáo tou苗头sign of growth

miáo tiao苗条slender

mò míng qí miào莫名其妙inexplicable

mò fēi莫非Can it be that...?

mó gu蘑菇mushroom; pester

móu hài谋害plot to murder

móu qiú谋求seek

móu shēng谋生make a living

míng jì铭记bear firmly in mind; inscription

mò shēng陌生strange

nán wéi qíng难为情embarrassed; disconcerting

nán guān难关difficulty

nán kān难堪intolerable; embarrassed

nán chu难处annoyance

nán guài难怪no/little/small wonder; understandable

nán diǎn难点aporia

nán shuō难说it's hard to say or predict; find it difficult/hard/embarrassing to speak out

mó shù魔术magic

mó guǐ魔鬼devil

mò qì默契tacit agreement; secret agreement

mò dú默读read silently

mò mò wú wén默默无闻unknown to the public

mù dì dì目的地destination

mò guò yú莫过于nothing is better than

nán yǐ zhì xìn难以置信incredible

mù yù lù沐浴露shower gel

apply; wipe

nǎ zhī dào哪知道have no idea of

nán dé yī jiàn难得一见a rare sight

nán yǐ xiǎng xiàng难以想象be hard to imagine