New HSK level 789-2

Chinese textbooks
New HSK 2022 level 789 part 2.

pīng pāng qiú乒乓球table tennis; table tennis ball

piān piān偏偏wilfully; contrary to expectation

piān pì偏僻remote

piān xiàng偏向erroneous tendency; give unprincipled protection to

piān chā偏差aberration; deviation

piān fāng偏方traditional popular prescription

piān jiàn偏见bias

piān yuǎn偏远remote/far from civilization

pì jìng僻静secluded

píng jiè凭借depend on; according to

píng zhèng凭证certificate

chop; right against one's face, chest, etc.

pǐ pèi匹配mate; matching

pǐn wèi品位official rank in feudal times; one's taste and quality

pǐn cháng品尝taste

pǐn dé品德quality

pǐn xíng品行behaviour

pēn quán喷泉fountain

pì měi媲美rival

píng jià平价bring down rising prices; stabilized and fixed prices

píng hé平和mild; mild

píng xī平息subside; suppress

píng rì平日ordinary days

píng mín平民the common people

píng dàn平淡insipid

píng miàn平面plane

pū kè扑克playing card

pī pàn批判criticize; criticism

pī fā批发buy/sell at wholesale; be authorized for dispatch

pēng jī抨击lash out at

pī lù披露publish; reveal

pīn mìng拼命risk one's life; do one's best

pīn bó拼搏go all out

pěnghold/carry something in both hands; handful

pěng chǎng捧场be a member of a claque; flatter

piěthrow; used for things resembling the left-falling stroke

pǔ shí朴实simple; plain and sincere

pǔ sù朴素plain; thrifty

pō lěng shuǐ泼冷水dampen one's enthusiasm for

piāofloat; rinse

pù bù瀑布waterfall

pēng tiáo烹调cook

piàn duàn片段extract

píng jǐng瓶颈neck of a bottle; key link prone to mishaps in the process of something

pí juàn疲倦tired and sleepy

pí láo疲劳tired; fatigue

pí bèi疲惫exhausted; wear

pí dài皮带leather belt; belt

pò jiù破旧old and shabby

pò àn破案solve a case

pò miè破灭fall through

pò suì破碎be broken; crush

pò liè破裂crack; break down

pò jiě破解analyse and explain; decode

pò chú破除break with

pèng qiǎo碰巧by coincidence

pèng zhuàng碰撞collide; offend

pèng dīng zi碰钉子receive serious rebuff

piào fáng票房box office

piān fú篇幅the length of an article; space

pìnemploy; visit a state as an envoy

pìn rèn聘任employ

pìn yòng聘用employ


péng zhàng膨胀expand

pú sà菩萨Bodhisattva; deity

píng shuǐ xiāng féng萍水相逢meet by chance like patches of drifting duckweed

péng bó蓬勃vigorous

pì rú譬如take for example/instance

píng pàn评判judge; judgement

píng wěi评委judge

píng dìng评定assess

píng shěn评审examine and evaluate

books registered or recorded for easy reference; music score

pín qióng贫穷poor

pò bù jí dài迫不及待too impatient to wait

pò shǐ迫使force

pò hài迫害persecute

pèi jiàn配件accessory; replacement for a broken part or accessory

pèi ǒu配偶spouse; mate

pèi sòng配送distribution

pèi yīn配音dub

pū lù铺路paving; pave the way for

inclined to one side; quite

pín lǜ频率rate; number of occurrences of something per unit of time

pín pín频频again and again

piāowave to and fro; unsteady

pò lì魄力boldness

péng chéng wàn lǐ鹏程万里A roc can reach a destination of a myriad miles away at one jump -- have a bright future.

píng lùn yuán评论员commentator

pí bèi bù kān疲惫不堪be debilitated/whacked

piàn rén骗人cheat others

pèng shang碰上meet by chance

pín fù贫富the rich and the poor

pì rú shuō譬如说for example

píng zhe凭着rely on

píng cháng xīn平常心calmness

pū miàn ér lái扑面而来blow on/against one's face

pǔ tōng rén普通人average person

piān zi片子roll of film; film