Common separable words HSK 3

Here are all the common separable words in HSK 3.

xià jiǔ下酒go with liquor or wine; go well with liquor or wine

mǎi dān买单voucher of purchase; pay a bill

huì kè会客receive a visitor/guest

zhù kǒu住口stop talking

zhù zuǐ住嘴stop talking

xiàng yàng像样presentable

chū lì出力exert oneself

chū shān出山leave a hilly region; leave retirement and take a government post

chū xì出戏lack of commitment

chū mǎ出马take to the battlefield; visit a patient at home

fēn xīn分心get distracted; take trouble

fēn qīng分清distinguish

fēn jiè分界be demarcated by; dividing/demarcation line

jiā diǎn加点work overtime

dòng xīn动心become interested/aroused/touched/moved/swayed

dòng qíng动情get worked up; have one's passions aroused

huà míng化名alias; use an alias

fā lì发力generate power

fā wén发文outgoing message; outgoing message

fā huà发话make a demand; snarl

fā chē发车depart

fā yīn发音pronounce; pronunciation

biàn liǎn变脸suddenly turn hostile; the Chinese art of changing masks, in which the performer dons different masks in quick succession

tīng jiǎng听讲attend a lecture; be told

gào jí告急report an emergency

chàng xì唱戏act in an opera

huí xìn回信write back; reply

fù yuán复员return to peacetime conditions; demobilize

duō zuǐ多嘴talk too much or out of place; multinozzle

ān jiā安家settle down; get married

ān shēn安身take shelter

jū xīn居心harbor evil intentions

dài diàn带电charged

dài lù带路act as a guide

kāi shān开山cut through or blow up a mountain; unseal a closed mountain for grazing or lumbering

kāi zhāng开张open a business; open

kāi chūn开春beginning of spring

zhāng zuǐ张嘴open one's mouth; ask for a loan/favour

chéng shì成事succeed; thing that is past or finished

chéng jiā成家get married; become a recognized expert in a branch of art or science

dǎ kǎ打卡punch a card

sǎo xìng扫兴have one's spirits dampened

sǎo dì扫地sweep; reach rock bottom

sǎo huáng扫黄eliminate pornography

jiē tóu接头connect; meet

jiē bān接班take one's turn on duty; follow in the steps of

jiē shēng接生deliver a child

tí chéng提成deduct a percentage from a sum of money; a cut

fàng shuǐ放水turn on the water; draw off some water

fàng shēng放生release captive animals back into the wild; the Buddhist action of releasing small animals from captivity

fàng fēng放风ventilate; let prisoners out for exercise

qiú rén求人ask for help

qiú yī求医seek medical advice

qiú xué求学go to school; seek knowledge

qiú qíng求情plead

méi xì没戏be hopeless

huà xiàng画像draw a portrait; portrait

huà tú画图draw designs, maps, etc.; picture

kōng shǒu空手empty-handed; with no examples to follow or no information to guide oneself

dá tí答题answer questions

jié yè结业complete a course

xíng yī行医practice medicine

xíng lǐ行礼give a salute; present or give gifts

yào fàn要饭beg

ràng wèi让位abdicate; give one's place to another

jì shì记事keep a record of events; record of events

jì fēn记分score; register a student's marks or grades

jiǎng xué讲学discourse on an academic subject

jiǎng lǐ讲理reason; be amenable to reason

shuō qíng说情intercede for

shuō lǐ说理argue; listen to reason

qǐng ān请安pay respects to somebody; salute by bending one's left knee and drooping one's right hand

tiáo qíng调情flirt

sài mǎ赛马race; horse racing

qǐ tóu起头start; beginning

chāo zhòng超重phenomenon caused by the object making an accelerated motion to move away from the centre of the earth; be overloaded

gēn bān跟班join a regular shift or class; footman

guò shì过世die

guò dōng过冬pass the winter

guò jìng过境transit

guò mù过目look/go over

guò yǎn过眼look over

guò mén过门get married

yíng tóu迎头head-on

yíng fēng迎风face the wind; go down/with the wind

sòng bié送别see/send somebody off

sòng xíng送行wish somebody bon voyage; give a send-off party

xuǎn tí选题select a topic; selected subject/topic

dào bié道别part; bid farewell to

cuò wèi错位dislocate; turn upside down

jìng xīn静心ease one's mind

xìn jiào信教profess a religion

dìng xīn定心relieved; reassure

dǎ jié打结tie a knot; get tongue-tied

huàn qì换气take a breath; ventilate

jiào zhēn较真earnest

jiǎng dào讲道preach

jìn zhàn进站pull into a station

mào yǔ冒雨in spite of the rain

tí xīn提心be concerned