下船disembark a ship; go aboard a ship
净身clean the body; be castrated
发面leaven dough; leavened dough
回礼return a salute; present a gift in return
备料get the materials ready; prepare feed
复信write a letter in reply; letter in reply
就便be at somebody's convenience
带班head a patrol or working party; be in charge of the student affairs of a class
开园start picking in an orchard or melon garden; be open to visitors
开市conduct the first transaction to begin a day's business; open the market
怕事be afraid of getting into trouble
打嘴slap somebody on the cheek; fail to live up to one's words
打头take the lead; from the beginning
护短cover up one's mistake/shortcomings
拿人make difficulties; captivating
换季change clothing according to the season; change of seasons
换工exchange labour between agricultural units and farm households
换文exchange notes/letters; exchange of notes
换钱change money; barter/sell goods for money
接客receive guests; entertain patrons
烧纸burn paper money for the dead; paper money burnt as an offering to the dead
相面tell somebody's fortune from the markings of the face
看相practise physiognomy; one's appearance in the eyes of other people
解渴quench/slake/assuage/relieve one's thirst; satisfy one's needs
越境sneak in or out of a country
越级bypass the immediate leadership
跳马vaulting horse; horse-vaulting
铁心be unshakable in one's determination; core
下力put in a great deal of effort
盘头wear one's hair in a bun; hair worn in a bun/coil