SSC Elementary 2

Chinese textbooks
Here are all the words you need to know in Short-term Spoken Chinese Elementary 2.

shàng chǎng上场appear on the stage

yǔ qí与其better than

zhuān yè专业specialization; specialized profession

dōng běi东北northeast; Northeast China

zhǔ lì主力main force

zhī qián之前before; used at the beginning of a sentence, referring to the time before the forementioned thing

lè qù乐趣pleasure

yě xǔ也许perhaps

each other

sǎnumbrella; umbrella-shaped object

tǐ yù chǎng体育场gym

hé kuàng何况let alone; moreover

xìntrue; trustworthy

jù lè bù俱乐部meeting place of a club

zhí dé值得be worth the money; deserve

piāninclining to one side; partial

chū xiàn出线qualify for the next round of competition

dào chù到处everywhere

dào dǐ到底to the end/finish/utmost; at last

jiā yóu加油oil; refuel

yǒu yì友谊friendship

fǎn ér反而instead

zhǐ hǎo只好have to

kě xī可惜regrettable; regrettably

zhōu wéi周围surroundings

lā lā duì啦啦队cheerleading squad/team

sì jì四季the four seasons

wéiall sides; enclose

zēng jìn增进enhance

yè shēng huó夜生活night life

as; according to

jì jié季节season

hán lěng寒冷cold

duì fāng对方other party

jìn lì尽力do all one can

jǐn guǎn尽管without reserve; always

zuǒ yòu左右the left and right sides; those in close attendance

stop; dismiss from office

yōu mò幽默humorous

kāi sài开赛begin a competition

qiángpowerful; strengthen

màn jìng tóu慢镜头slow motion

chéng jì成绩grades

zhǐfinger; point at

tí gāo提高raise

nuǎn huo暖和warm and nice; warm

yǒu guān有关have a bearing on; relevant

yǒu shí有时sometimes

lái bu jí来不及find no time to do something

hé shí核实verify

bàngstick; fine

qì fēn气氛atmosphere

qì wēn气温temperature

táo tài淘汰eliminate somebody from a competition; die out

huá xuě滑雪slide on the snow; ski

huǒ lú火炉stove; extremely hot place

xiàn chǎng现场scene; site

yóupass through; cause

dēngascend; publish

pàn wàng盼望yearn for


jiǎn zhí简直at all; might as well

jīng cǎi精彩brilliant; spirited

yuērestrict; arrange

organize; group

lián sài联赛league match

liǎn sè脸色complexion; facial expression

zhì yú至于so far as to; as to

shū fu舒服comfortable; be/feel well

zhù míng著名famous

bǔ kǎo补考take a make-up exam

yíngwin; gain profit

chāo jí超级super

zhuǎn bō转播rebroadcast

tuì退retreat; cause to move back

tōng yòng通用be current; be interchangeable

tōng guò通过pass; adopt

dào dé道德morality; moral

méndoor; something that opens and shuts

chú fēi除非only when; but

gé bì隔壁next door

nán dé难得rare; seldom

yù bào预报forecast; forecasting

fēng jǐng风景scenery

fēng shā风沙wind-borne sand

bù dé bù不得不have to

bié de别的other

shòu bu liǎo受不了be unable to endure

báiwhite; clean

tǔ lǔ fān吐鲁番Turpan

xīn jiāng新疆Xinjiang, a province in China

wǔ hàn武汉Wuhan

háo bù毫不not at all

xī bān yá西班牙Spain

cháng shā长沙a city in Hunan Province

chóng qìng重庆one of the four municipalities directly under the Central Government

chǎngplace used for a particular purpose; site

bù tíng不停without stop

guì lín桂林Guilin, a city in Guangxi

yī lái èr lái一来...二来...firstly...secondly...