五five; a note of the scale in gongchepu, corresponding to 6 in numbered musical notation
亿a hundred million; a hundred thousand
六a note of the scale in gongchepu, corresponding to 5 in numbered musical notation; six
千thousand; a great amount/number of
四four; note in the Chinese gongchepu scale
春天spring; an environment full of hope and energy
一月January; the first month of the lunar year
七月July; seventh month of the lunar year
三月March; the third month of the lunar year
九月September; the ninth month of the lunar year
二月February; the second month of the lunar year
五月May; the fifth month of the lunar year
八月August; the eighth month of the lunar year
六月June; the sixth month of the lunar year
十一月November; the eleventh month of the lunar year
十二月December; the twelfth month of the lunar year
十月October; the tenth month of the lunar year