Chinese Made Easy 4

Chinese textbooks
6 textbooks for high school students or adult study Chinese.

bù guǎn不管no matter; not care

bù lùn不论regardless of; not discuss

gè xìng个性personalities; property

each other

hù xiāng互相each other

jiāo liú交流flow simultaneously; swap

xiǎngenjoy; #$

guān xi关系relationship; influence

jūnarmy; army

guànput on a hat; precede

guàn jūn冠军champion

juécertainly; decide the final result

jué dìng决定decide; determine

chū sè出色outstanding

fēnseparate; distribute

fēn xiǎng分享share

kè kǔ刻苦assiduous; simple and frugal


shí fēn十分very; completely

dānsingle; thin

dān dǎ单打singles; one-on-one fight

bó kè博客blog; blogger

jí shí及时opportune; promptly

fā huǒ发火catch fire; detonate

fā biǎo发表express; carry

zhǐ yào只要so long as

míng rén名人celebrity

tīng huà听话listen to; be obedient or docile

chǎo jià吵架quarrel

tiān xià天下rule; land under heaven-the world or the whole country

ào yùn huì奥运会Olympic Games

shàngesteem; set great store by

xìng fú幸福happiness; felicity

jiàn yì建议suggest; suggestion

nǎobe angry; annoyed

xiǎng fǎ想法do what one can; idea

yì jiàn意见idea; objection

yuànhonest and cautious;hope

yuàn yì愿意be willing; wish


chíhold; maintain

carry; lift

zhī chí支持hold out; support

shí shàng时尚fad; in fashion

wǎn bèi晚辈the younger generation

bàngstick; fine

qiúseek; ask

gōuditch; groove

gōu tōng沟通link up

wēn nuǎn温暖warm; make somebody feel kindness/warmth

fánrestless; be tired of

fán nǎo烦恼vexed

zhàoilluminate; sunshine

ài hù爱护care

qiú jì球技skill in playing a ball game

qiú mí球迷fan

lǐ jiě理解understand

nán zǐ男子man

shèagency; people's commune

shè gōng社工social work; social worker

good fortune; make a curtsy

chuān zhuó穿着dress

guǎntube; wind instrument

jīngrefined; perfect

jīng cǎi精彩brilliant; spirited

fánmanifold; prosperous

fán máng繁忙busy

inherit; follow

jì xù继续continue; continuation

continuous; continue

zì xìn自信be confident

bitter; painful

huòcatch; attain

huò dé获得achieve

biǎosurface; the relationship between the children or grandchildren of a brother and a sister or of sisters

yāo qiú要求ask; requirement

jiědivide; undo

jiě jué解决solve; exterminate

discuss; criticize

jiǎngspeak; as far as something is concerned

lùnopinion; discussion

chāo jí超级super

bèithe like; generation

yùn dòng yuán运动员athlete

meet; treat

dào lǐ道理principle; reason

cruel; cool

zhǎng bèi长辈elder member of a family

wénhear; news

wén míng闻名be famous; be familiar with somebody's name

nán guò难过sad; difficult

kàolean against; stand by the side of

drum; drum-like

gǔ lì鼓励encourage

lún dūn伦敦London

lín dān林丹Gamaphex; Lin Dan , Chinese former professional badminton player who Widely regarded as the greatest badminton player of all time. Olympic gold medal winner in 2008 and 2012

xiāng qīn xiāng ài相亲相爱be deeply attached to each other

fú jiàn福建Fujian

yù dào遇到run into

hǎogood; friendly