HSK level VI

Chinese textbooks
Here are all the words you need to know in HSK level 6.

shàng rèn上任take up an official post; predecessor

shàng yóu上游upstream

shàng yǐn上瘾be addicted

shàng jí上级superiors

shàng jìn上进make progress

sàng shī丧失lose

rén wéi人为make; artificial

rén shì人士personage

rén jiā人家household; family

rén gōng人工manual work; manpower

rén xìng人性humanity; human feelings and reason

rén gé人格personality; moral character

rén zhì人质hostage

rén dào人道humanity; humane

rén jiān人间world

rén cí仁慈benevolence; kind

réng jiù仍旧remain the same; still

rèn mìng任命commission; appointment

rèn xìng任性headstrong

rèn yì任意wantonly; arbitrary

rèn zhòng dào yuǎn任重道远it is a long way to go

shāng nǎo jīn伤脑筋be knotty

rú jiā儒家Confucianism

shā chē刹车brake; apply the brakes

shēn yín呻吟groan

shàoreconnaissance; sentry post

shāng biāo商标trademark


rǎngshout; bawl

shē chǐ奢侈wasteful

sǎo zi嫂子elder sister-in-law; wife of one's friend

shěn pàn审判try

shěn chá审查investigate

shěn lǐ审理hear

shěn měi审美appreciate the beautiful

róng qì容器container

róng rěn容忍condone

róng nà容纳hold; tolerate

róng mào容貌appearance

shàng qiě尚且even

shān mài山脉mountain range

ruò diǎn弱点weakness

rěn shòu忍受put up with

rěn nài忍耐exercise restraint

rě huò惹祸court trouble

shèn zhòng慎重prudent

rǎo luàn扰乱disturb

róurub; roll

shè shì dù摄氏度centigrade

sā huǎng撒谎lie

shàn zì擅自act without authorization

shàn cháng擅长be good at

sàn fā散发emit; distribute

sàn bù散布be scattered; spread

sǎn wén散文literary writings that do not observe the rules of rhyming; prose

rì xīn yuè yì日新月异change rapidly

rì yì日益increasingly

rǎndye; come down with

róu hé柔和mild; soft

shāothin end of a twig; thin end of a long narrow thing

shè jí涉及involve

shēn ào深奥profound

shēn chén深沉deep; low-pitched

shèn tòu渗透permeate; osmosis

róng jiě溶解dissolve

rè mén热门popular

shēn bào申报report in writing to a higher authority or a department concerned; declare something


què bǎo确保guarantee

què xìn确信firmly believe; reliable information

què qiè确切definite; true

què lì确立establish

shè qū社区community

shén xiān神仙immortal; supernatural being

shén shèng神圣sacred

shén qí神奇magical

shén tài神态bearing

shén qì神气expression; spirited

shén jīng神经nerve; mental disorder

shāi xuǎn筛选choose by means of a sift

shēn shì绅士person of status

qún zhòng群众general public; person without political affiliation

shé tou舌头tongue; enemy soldier captured to extract information

ruò gān若干a certain number or amount; how many/much

róng xìng荣幸privilege

róng yù荣誉credit

róng huà融化melt

róng qià融洽harmonious

rèn kě认可approve

rèn dìng认定maintain; confirm

ràng bù让步give in

shè xiǎng设想imagine; consider

shè lì设立establish

shè zhì设置set up; install

shǎn shuò闪烁flash; equivocate

ráo shù饶恕forgive

sāo rǎo骚扰harass

rè lèi yíng kuàng热泪盈眶be tearful

shēn qíng hòu yì深情厚谊profound sentiments of friendship

shāobring to somebody