HSK level VI

Chinese textbooks
Here are all the words you need to know in HSK level 6.

yī sī bù gǒu一丝不苟be meticulous

yī jǔ liǎng dé一举两得kill two birds with one stone

yī xiàng一向a period of time in the past; always

yī rú jì wǎng一如既往just as in the past

yī fān fēng shùn一帆风顺plain sailing

yī dù一度once; on one occasion

yī liú一流of the same kind; first-class

yī mù liǎo rán一目了然be clear at a glance

yī guàn一贯consistent

yǔ rì jù zēng与日俱增be steadily on the increase


yǐ biàn以便in order to

yǐ miǎn以免lest

yǐ wǎng以往the past

yǐ zhì以至down to; such an extent that

yǐ zhì以致as a result

yí qì仪器apparatus

yí shì仪式ceremony

yōu xiān优先have priority

yōu yì优异outstanding

yōu shèng liè tài优胜劣汰survival of the fittest

yōu yuè优越advantageous

yī tuō依托rely on; keep up a pretence

yī jù依据according to; basis

yī jiù依旧remain the same; still

yī lài依赖be dependent on; be dependent on each other

yī kào依靠depend on; support

yǒng yú勇于have the courage to

yīng ér婴儿baby

yǔ zhòu宇宙universe; world

yòu zhì幼稚young; naive

yìng yāo应邀accept an invitation

yìng chou应酬treat with courtesy; dinner party

yōng sú庸俗vulgar

yì cháng异常unusual; extremely

yǐn dǎo引导lead; instruct and guide somebody in actions towards a certain goal

yǐn qíng引擎engine

yǐn yòng引用quote; appoint

yōu yù忧郁melancholy

yì xiàng意向intention

yì wèi zhe意味着signify

yì tú意图intent

yì zhì意志determination

yì liào意料expect

yì shí意识consciousness; realize

yú mèi愚昧uneducated

yú chǔn愚蠢silly

yōng hù拥护support

yōng yǒu拥有own

yáo bǎi摇摆sway; hesitate

yǒu tiáo bù wěn有条不紊methodical

yàng pǐn样品specimen

yì lì毅力will

yì rán毅然determinedly

yǎng qì氧气oxygen

yǒng héng永恒eternal

yóu qī油漆varnish; cover with paint

yóu nì油腻greasy; greasy food

yǒng xiàn涌现spring up

yè tǐ液体liquid

yú mín渔民fisherman

yóu rú犹如be similar to

jade; pure

yòng hù用户user

yí huò疑惑not be convinced; doubt

yíng lì盈利make profit; profit

wing; assist

yào yǎn耀眼dazzling; very appealing

yú lùn舆论public opinion

yīng yǒng英勇brave

yīng míng英明wise

yī shang衣裳clothing

yào mìng要命kill; awfully

yào diǎn要点gist; key stronghold

yào sù要素essential factor

yòu huò诱惑entice; attract

yáo yán谣言rumour

yǒng yuè踊跃leap; eager

yíng miàn迎面head-on

yí chǎn遗产inheritance; cultural wealth or material wealth handed down in history

yí chuán遗传inherit

yí shī遗失lose

yí liú遗留hand down

yáo kòng遥控keep remote control; teleoperation

yáo yuǎn遥远distant

yě xīn野心wild ambition

yě mán野蛮uncivilized; brutal

yīn móu阴谋plot; plot

yǐn huàn隐患hidden trouble

yǐn mán隐瞒keep something bottled up

yǐn sī隐私one's secrets

yǐn yuē隐约indistinct

yǐn bì隐蔽conceal; concealed

yīn xiǎng音响sound; audio equipment

yù liào预料predict; prediction

yǐn shí饮食food and drink; eat and drink

yàn shōu验收check upon delivery

yàn zhèng验证verify; check ID

yáo gǔn摇滚same as 摇滚乐

yǔ róng fú羽绒服down garment/wear