HSK level VI

Chinese textbooks
Here are all the words you need to know in HSK level 6.

zhōng yāng中央centre; central authorities

zhōng duàn中断suspend

zhōng lì中立be neutral

zhǔ bàn主办host

zhǔ dǎo主导guiding; leading factor

zhēng xiān kǒng hòu争先恐后strive to be the first and fear to lag behind

zhēng duó争夺enter into rivalry with somebody over something

zhēng qì争气try to make a good showing

zhēng duān争端dispute

zhēng yì争议dispute

zhòng suǒ zhōu zhī众所周知as everyone knows

zhí zi侄子nephew

zhí bān值班be on duty

zhì fú制服uniform; bring under control

zhì zhǐ制止prevent

zhì yuē制约restrict

zhì cái制裁punish

zhōu mì周密thorough

zhōu nián周年anniversary

zhōu zhé周折twists and turns

zhōu qī周期cycle; periodical duration

zhōu zhuǎn周转turn over; have enough to meet the need

zhōu biān周边neighbouring/surrounding area; periphery

zhōuan ancient administrative division; autonomous prefecture

zhēng shōu征收levy

zhēng fú征服conquer somebody by force; conquer somebody by infectious speeches, laughter etc.

zhì qì志气ambition

zhōng shí忠实loyal; true to fact

zhōng chéng忠诚loyal

zhí zhuó执着same as 执著

zhí xíng执行carry out

zhǐ lìng指令instruct; instruction

zhǐ nán zhēn指南针compass; guideline

zhǐ dìng指定appoint

zhǐ wàng指望count on; hope

zhǐ biāo指标target

zhǐ jia指甲nail

zhǐ shì指示indicate; instruct

zhǐ zé指责censure

zhēng zhá挣扎struggle

zhī chū支出disburse; expenditure

zhī yuán支援support

zhī chēng支撑support; maintain

zhī zhù支柱pillar; mainstay

zhī liú支流tributary; minor aspects

zhī pèi支配allocate; dominate

zhèng quán政权political power; regime

zhèng cè政策policy

zhěng dùn整顿reorganize

zhòu yè昼夜day and night

zhì lì智力intelligence

zhì shāng智商intelligence quotient

zhì néng智能intellect and ability; having human-like brains or ability


zhūused for trees; individual plant

zhèng yì正义justice; just

zhèng zōng正宗orthodox school; authentic

zhèng dàng正当legitimate; honest

zhēng yuè正月the first month of the lunar year

zhèng qì正气righteousness

zhèng jīng正经decent; proper

zhèng guī正规regular

zhí mín dì殖民地colony

zhì ān治安law and order

zhì lǐ治理administer; bring under control

zhì liú滞留be detained

zhèng zhuàng症状symptom

zhòu wén皱纹wrinkle

zhí jìng直径diameter

zhí bō直播direct seeding; direct broadcast

zhī jué知觉consciousness; perception

zhǒng zi种子seed; seeded player

zhǒng zú种族race

zhòng zhí种植plant


zhōng zhǐ终止stop; cadence

zhōng diǎn终点terminal; finish

zhōng jiū终究all in all

zhōng shēn终身lifelong; refers to the marriage

zhí wèi职位post

zhí wù职务post

zhí néng职能function

zhǒng liú肿瘤neoplasm

zhī fáng脂肪fat

zhì shǐ致使result in; so that

zhì lì致力dedicate oneself to

zhì cí致辞address


zhēng fā蒸发evaporate; vanish

zhōng xīn衷心heartfelt

zhèng shū证书certificate

zhèng shí证实confirm

zhū wèi诸位ladies and gentlemen

zhú nián逐年on a yearly or annual basis

zhèng zhòng郑重serious

zhòng xīn重心centre of mass; median point

zhèn dìng镇定calm; calm

zhèn jìng镇静calm; calm

zhèng fù正负plus-minus

zhī zú cháng lè知足常乐A man who is contented will be happy.