HSK level VI

Chinese textbooks
Here are all the words you need to know in HSK level 6.

yuè pǔ乐谱music score

zhēn tàn侦探do detective work; detective

zhài quàn债券public or government bond; bond

yuán xiāo jié元宵节the Lantern Festival

yuán sù元素element

yuán shǒu元首monarch; head of state

zài jiē zài lì再接再厉continue to exert oneself

yuān wang冤枉unfair; treat unjustly or unfairly

zhàn jù占据occupy

zhàn lǐng占领capture; possess

yuán xiān原先original; originally

yuán gào原告accuser

yuán shǐ原始primitive; original

yuán lǐ原理principle


zào yīn噪音noise

yuán lín园林park

yuán mǎn圆满satisfactory

zài yì在意care about

zēng tiān增添add

yùn yù孕育be pregnant with; inoculation

zǎiprefect; rule

yù yán寓言fable

zhǎn wàng展望look into the distance; look into the future

zhǎn xiàn展现emerge

zhǎn shì展示reveal

yuè mǔ岳母wife's mother

zhǎn xīn崭新completely new

zhàng peng帐篷tent

exceed; the more... the more...

zhàn yì战役battle

zhàn dòu战斗fight; fight

zhàn shù战术tactics; methods for solving local problems

zhàn lüè战略strategy; strategy that concerns the overall situation

zhāprick; plunge/get into

zhā shi扎实sturdy; solid

zhé mó折磨torment

zhē teng折腾toss about; do something over and over again

zhāo shōu招收recruit

zhāo biāo招标invite tenders

zhèn xīng振兴revitalize

zhèn fèn振奋inspired; inspire

zhāi yào摘要make a summary; summary


zhēn zhuó斟酌consider

zhǎn dīng jié tiě斩钉截铁resolute and decisive

zàn qiě暂且for the time being

zá jiāo杂交hybridize

zá jì杂技acrobatics

zhěn tou枕头pillow

zāi péi栽培cultivate; foster

yù wàng欲望desire

zhǎo zé沼泽marsh

zhān guāng沾光benefit from association with somebody or something

zhādregs; broken bits

yuán quán源泉source; source

zāi nàn灾难suffering

zhào yàng照样after a pattern or model; in the same old way

zhào yào照耀shine


zhēn zhū珍珠pearl

zhēn xī珍稀rare and precious

zhēn guì珍贵precious

zhēn zhì真挚sincere

zhēn lǐ真理truth

zhēn xiàng真相truth


zháo mí着迷be captivated

zhān yǎng瞻仰look at with reverence

pound; crush

zhāng chéng章程constitution; solution

zāo tà糟蹋waste; insult

yuē shù约束bind

yuán gù缘故cause

yùn cáng蕴藏be held underground

zhà piàn诈骗swindle

zé guài责怪blame

zéithief; traitor

zàn zhù赞助sponsor

zàn tàn赞叹highly praise

zèng sòng赠送give as a present

yùn suàn运算operation

yùn xíng运行move; operate

zào xíng造型mould; created image of an object

zāo shòu遭受suffer

zāo yāng遭殃suffer

zāo yù遭遇encounter; lot

zhē dǎng遮挡shelter from; shelter

yùn niàng酝酿brew; deliberate on

zhèn dì阵地position; important field or domain

zhèn róng阵容battle array; lineup

zhàng ài障碍barrier

zhèn jīng震惊amaze; be shocked

zhèn hàn震撼shake

yù zhào预兆harbinger; be an omen

yù xiān预先in advance

yù qī预期expect

yù suàn预算budget; make/prepare a budget

yù yán预言predict; prediction

zhāo qì péng bó朝气蓬勃energetic