HSK level VI

Chinese textbooks
Here are all the words you need to know in HSK level 6.

zhuān lì专利patent; patent right

zhuān chéng专程special trip

zhuān cháng专长specialty

zhuān tí专题special subject/topic

zhǔ yì主义systematic doctrine or theory on the objective world, society, or academic issues; system

zhǔ quán主权sovereignty

zhǔ liú主流trunk stream; essential/main aspect

zhǔ guǎn主管be responsible for; person in charge

zhuàn jì传记biography

zhù zhái住宅dwelling

zuò fèi作废become invalid

zuò bì作弊commit fraud

zuò xī作息work and rest

zuò fēng作风style of work

zuò zhǔ做主decide; back up

zhǔn zé准则standard

zhù shǒu助手assistant

zhù lǐ助理aide; assist

xiémake joint efforts; assist

zhuó yuè卓越outstanding

join in the singing; echo what others say

zhǔ fù嘱咐enjoin

zuǐ chún嘴唇lip

zhuìdrop; weigh down

zhuàng lì壮丽majestic

zhuàng liè壮烈heroic; pass away

zhuàng guān壮观grand sight; magnificent

zī tài姿态posture; attitude

zǐ dàn子弹bullet

zōng jiào宗教religion

zōng zhǐ宗旨purpose

zūn yán尊严dignity; dignified status

zhuàngused for houses or buildings

zhuāng yán庄严solemn

zhuāng jia庄稼crops

zhuāng zhòng庄重grave

zuò yòu míng座右铭motto

zǒng hé总和sum

zǒng ér yán zhī总而言之in brief

huàndisaster; anxiety

kàngresist; refuse

zhǔlean on


zòubeat; break

zhù shè注射inject

zhù shì注视gaze

zhù shì注释annotate

zhù zhòng注重lay stress on

zī wèi滋味taste; experience

zī rùn滋润moist; moisten

zhuó mó琢磨carve and polish; polish

zhuótouch; apply

zhuó xiǎng着想take into consideration

zhuó shǒu着手put one's hand to

zhuó zhòng着重stress

zhuānhandy-sized unit of building material, made from moist clay baked in a kiln, gen. in the shape of a rectangular or square block; brick-shaped things

zǔ xiān祖先ancestry; biologically ancestral form

zǔ guó祖国motherland

zǔ fù祖父grandfather


zū lìn租赁rent; rent out

zòng héng纵横in length and breadth; freely

provide; ample

zuì fàn罪犯criminal

zì zhǔ自主act on one's own

zì lì gēng shēng自力更生self-reliant

zì bēi自卑feel oneself inferior

zì fā自发spontaneous

zì mǎn自满complacent

zhù zuò著作book; write

xuèblood; related by blood

zhuāng xiè装卸load and unload; assemble and disassemble

zhuāng bèi装备equip; equipment

zī chǎn资产property; capital fund

zī zhù资助aid financially

zī běn资本capital; what is capitalized on

zī shēn资深senior

zǒu láng走廊corridor; narrow strip of land linking two areas

zǒu lòu走漏divulge; smuggle and evade taxes

zǒu sī走私smuggle

zú yǐ足以enough

zōng jì踪迹trace

zhuǎn zhé转折turn in the course of events; make a transition

zhuǎn yí转移divert; change

zhuǎn ràng转让make over

zhuǎn dá转达pass on

zhuī dào追悼mourn over a person's death

zhuī jiū追究look into; #$

zūn xún遵循abide by

zuàn shí钻石diamond; jewel

zuān yán钻研study intensively

zhù zào铸造cast

zǔ lán阻拦bar the way

zǔ náo阻挠obstruct

zǔ ài阻碍obstruct; obstacle

chénlay out; state

zhù zhā驻扎be stationed

zōng sè棕色brown

gēngchange; watch

jiānsupervise; prison