HSK level VI

Chinese textbooks
Here are all the words you need to know in HSK level 6.

fēng shōu丰收crop well

fēng mǎn丰满plentiful; well-developed

fēng shèng丰盛rich

fú lǔ俘虏capture; captive

fǔ shì俯视look down

fán shì凡是any

fēn cun分寸sense of propriety/proportion

fēn sàn分散scattered; scatter

fēn míng分明distinct; clearly

fēn qí分歧divergence; different

fēn mì分泌secrete; gradually fill up with liquefied minerals

fēn hóng分红share surplus or profits

fēn liè分裂fission; smash

fēn jiě分解mediate; explain

fēn biàn分辨distinguish; resolution

fèn liàng分量weight; significance

fǎn zhī反之conversely

fǎn shè反射reflex; reflect

fǎn cháng反常unusual; abnormalism

fǎn sī反思introspect

fǎn gǎn反感dislike; antipathy

fǎn kàng反抗resist

fǎn wèn反问ask in reply; rhetorical question

fǎn miàn反面back; negative

fǎn kuì反馈feedback; feedback

fǎn bó反驳refute

fǒu jué否决overrule

fēn fù吩咐instruct

fén mù坟墓grave

fù xīng复兴revival; revive

fù huó复活come back to life; revive

fū rén夫人wife; a lady of high rank

fū fù夫妇husband and wife

fèng xiàn奉献offer as a tribute; contribution

fēng jiàn封建a system of enfeoffment; feudalism

fēng suǒ封锁blockade; close to passage

fēng bì封闭seal; close down

fú dù幅度amplitude; range

fèi xū废墟wasteland

fèi qǐn wàng shí废寝忘食forget all about eating and sleeping

fèi chú废除repeal

fèn nù愤怒angry

fǔ yǎng抚养bring up

fǔ mō抚摸fondle

fàng dà放大amplify

fàng shè放射radiate; emit

fū yǎn敷衍elaborate; act in a perfunctory manner

fāng wèi方位points of the compass; direction and position

fāng yuán方圆neighbourhood; circumference

fāng yán方言dialect

fāng zhēn方针policy

fú cóng服从obey

fú qì服气be persuaded

fèi téng沸腾boil; be in uproar

fǎ rén法人legal entity/body

fàn làn泛滥inundate; spread unchecked

fānforeign; do in turns

fú lì福利welfare; benefit

fú qi福气good luck/fortune

fú hào符号symbol; insignia

fěn mò粉末powder

fěn suì粉碎break into pieces; smash

fán tǐ zì繁体字original Chinese character

fán huá繁华bustling

fán máng繁忙busy

fán zhí繁殖breed

fǎng zhī纺织spin and weave

féi wò肥沃fertile


fǔ xiǔ腐朽rotten; decadent

fǔ làn腐烂decompose; corrupt

fǔ shí腐蚀corrode; pervert

fǔ bài腐败decayed; degenerate

fàn chóu范畴category; type

fǎng wèn访问visit; browse or look for information on a website

fěi bàng诽谤slander

fù dān负担bear; burden

fàn mài贩卖traffic

fǔ zhù辅助assist; supplementary

fú shè辐射radiate; radiation


fēng lì锋利sharp; poignant

fáng shǒu防守defend and guard

fáng yù防御guard against

fáng zhǐ防止prevent

fáng zhì防治prevent and cure; prevent and control

fù jiàn附件appendix; enclosure

fù hè附和echo

fù shǔ附属be attached to; auxiliary

fēi fǎ非法illegal

fēng guāng风光scene

fēng wèi风味special flavor

fēng dù风度demeanor

fēng bào风暴storm; large-scale, tumultuous event or phenomenon

fēng qì风气atmosphere

fēng qù风趣humorous; humor

fēi xiáng飞翔flight

fēi yuè飞跃advance by leaps and bounds; leap

fēng tǔ rén qíng风土人情local customs and practices

fēi qín zǒu shòu飞禽走兽birds/flows and beasts