出proceed from inside to outside; appear
厚rich or strong in flavour; thick
听话listen to; be obedient or docile
套房small room off a larger one; apartment
封boundary; in imperial times, confer upon
打折give a discount; not do as promised
挂号register for a number to keep order; send by registered post
暴雨torrential rain; rain 50-100 millimetres in precipitation in 24 hours
棉cotton and kapok; cotton-like floss
筒piece of thick bamboo; thick tube-shaped object
航空aviation; related to airplanes or air transport
订conclude; make a plan or commitment
负责be responsible; conscientious
起飞take off; get off to a good start
露dew; outside a house, a tent, having no covering above
露营camp; camp like an army unit