New HSK level 5

Chinese textbooks
New HSK 2022 level 5

ǒu xiàng偶像idol

ǒu ěr偶尔accidental; occasionally

ǒu rán偶然once in a while; accidental

such; he

nèi zài内在inherent; inner

nóng chǎn pǐn农产品agricultural product

pínglean on/against; rely on

qián tí前提premise; prerequisite

qián jǐng前景foreground; prospect

qín fèn勤奋diligent

be equal to; single

nán běi南北north and south; from north to south

nán jí南极South Pole; South Magnetic Pole

qǐ shì启事announcement

qǐ dòng启动initiate; come into effect

qǐ fā启发enlightenment

mìng lìng命令order; instructions


pǐn zhǒng品种sort; breed

qiáng bì墙壁wall

nǚ xìng女性female sex/gender; woman

gōng yì pǐn工艺品handiwork

píng yuán平原plain

píng tǎn平坦even

nián dù年度year

nián líng年龄age

qiáng dù强度intensity; strength

qiǎng pò强迫force

qiāo qiāo悄悄quiet; secretly

qiǎngrob; vie for

qiǎng jiù抢救rescue

drape over one's shoulder; open

pāi shè拍摄shoot

pīnpiece/put together to form a bigger whole; spell

pái chú排除eliminate

mó tuō摩托motor; motor cycle

mó cā摩擦rub; friction

mǐn gǎn敏感sensitive; tend to elicit strong reactions

qiāoknock; overcharge

pángside; other

míng liàng明亮well-lit; shining

míng míng明明obviously

nuǎnwarm; warm up

qī wàng期望desire; hope

qiāngspear; rifle

mó fǎng模仿imitate

mó shì模式mode; schema

mú yàng模样appearance; about

mó hu模糊dim; blur

mó fàn模范model; examplary

qiànyawn; lack

qì tǐ气体gas

qì xiàng气象meteorological phenomena; meteorology

splash; rude and unreasonable

qīng chén清晨early morning

niúcattle; stubborn or arrogant

niú zǎi kù牛仔裤jeans

qínqin, a seven-stringed plucked instrument in some ways similar to the zither; general name for certain musical instruments

nán xìng男性male

pí fū皮肤skin; character setting in games

pénbasin; basin-shaped object

mù guāng目光sight; gaze

qiáolook; see a doctor

miǎosecond; second

qiānsign; make brief comments on a document

qiān míng签名sign; signature

qiān zì签字sign

qiān yuē签约sign a contract/treaty

qiān dìng签订conclude and sign

qiān zhèng签证grant a visa; visa

nài xīn耐心patient with somebody or something; patience

néng liàng能量energy; ability

nǎo zi脑子brain; mind

pí qi脾气temperament; bad temper

pú táo葡萄grape

pú táo jiǔ葡萄酒wine

píng gū评估assess

píng lùn评论comment on; commentary

péicompensate; lose money in business

péi cháng赔偿pay for; compensation

qǐ mǎ起码minimum; at least

mí xìn迷信make a fetish of; blind faith

pèi bèi配备equip; dispose

pèi tào配套coordinate

péikeep somebody company; assist from the sidelines

nán yǐ难以hard to

nán dé难得rare; seldom

qīngblue or green; black

miàn zi面子outer part; reputation

miàn mào面貌face; look

pín fán频繁frequent

pín dào频道frequency channel; topic of conversation

piàndeceive; cheat/swindle somebody of something

piàn zi骗子swindler

qí quán齐全complete

nián qián年前at the end of a year

pí xié皮鞋leather shoes

qiāo mén敲门knock at a door

pēnspurt; spray

qǐ dào起到lead to