New HSK level 789-3

Chinese textbooks
New HSK 2022 level 789 part 3.

yā tou丫头girl; slave girl

xiū kè休克shock; go into shock

xiū yǎng休养recuperate; recover

xiū xiǎng休想don't think

xiū mián休眠be in dormancy

xiū zhèng修正revise

xiū bǔ修补mend; repair

xiū dìng修订amend

xiū cháng修长slender

xiōng è凶恶ferocious

xiōng cán凶残savage

xiōng hěn凶狠vicious; powerful

xiōng měng凶猛ferocious

xuē ruò削弱weaken; weaken

xūn zhāng勋章medal

yā dǎo压倒overwhelm

yā yì压抑constrain; stifling

yā suō压缩condense; cut down

xù shù叙述recount

xuān huá喧哗uproarious; make an uproar

xuān nào喧闹clamourous; bustle

xiù jué嗅觉smell; acute sense

xìng shì姓氏urname

xué yè学业school work

xué lì学历record of formal schooling

xué táng学堂school

xué shì学士scholar; bachelor

xué zǐ学子student

xué shuō学说doctrine

xuān gào宣告declare

xuān yáng宣扬advertise

xuān xiè宣泄lead off; get something off one's chest

xuān chēng宣称assert

xuān yán宣言declaration; declare

xuān shì宣誓make a vow/pledge

xuān dú宣读read off

xúnancient measure of length equal to about eight chi; search

xún cháng寻常usual

xún mì寻觅look for

xún luó巡逻go on patrol

xìng miǎn幸免have a narrow escape

order; arrange in order

xù mù序幕prologue; prologue

xú xú徐徐slowly

xún xù jiàn jìn循序渐进take a progressive approach

xìng jià bǐ性价比cost-performance ratio

xìng mìng性命life

xìng qíng性情disposition

xuán yá悬崖precipice; be in imminent danger

xuán niàn悬念suspense; audience involvement

xuán guà悬挂hang; suspension

xuán shū悬殊greatly disparate

xuán lǜ旋律melody; harmonious movement

xuán wō旋涡whirlpool; maelstrom

xù rì旭日rising sun

xiōng yǒng汹涌tempestuous

xuàn yào炫耀dazzle; show off

xūn táo熏陶exert a gradual, uplifting influence on

xuánblack; distant

xuán jī玄机arcane truth; profound theory

xiù lì秀丽beautiful

xiù měi秀美graceful

xué wèi穴位acupuncture point; location of a grave

xù dao絮叨be long-winded; repetitive

xiùembroider; embroidery

continuous; continue

xiū kuì羞愧ashamed

xiōng yǒu chéng zhú胸有成竹have a well thought-out strategy

xiōng táng胸膛chest

empty; humble

xū wěi虚伪hypocritical

xū jiǎ虚假false

xū huàn虚幻illusory

xū ruò虚弱in poor health; feeble

xū nǐ虚拟nvent; hypothetical

xū gòu虚构fabricate

xuè yā血压blood pressure

xuè shuān血栓thrombus

xuè yuán血缘ties of blood

xuè mài血脉blood vessels; blood relationship

xiù shǒu páng guān袖手旁观look on/stand by with folded arms

xùninstruct; instructions

xuǎn mín选民elector

xuǎn yòng选用choose and apply

xuǎn xiàng选项alternative; choose a project

xùn sè逊色inferiority; inferior

xù jiǔ酗酒excessive drinking

xiùrust; become rusty

xióng hòu雄厚ample

xuě shàng jiā shuāng雪上加霜snow plus frost

xuě shān雪山snowy mountain

require; necessaries

xuē zi靴子boots

await; have to

xùnobedient; domesticate

xiū lù修路mend a road

xué yì学艺learn a skill; knowledge and skills

praise; promise

xǔ kě zhèng许可证permit

xūnsmoke; smoke