Common separable words HSK 4

Here are all the common separable words in HSK 4.

zhēng zuǐ争嘴quarrel; scramble for food

rèn biàn任便as you see fit

shāng rè伤热be damaged by heat

xiū shū修书compile a book; write a letter

xiū miàn修面shave

jiè guāng借光excuse me; receive help from others

jiè huǒ借火ask for a light

tíng xué停学drop out of school

dòng huǒ动火get angry

yā fú压服force into submission

yā qì压气allay/appease somebody's anger; compress/inject air

kū qióng哭穷complain of being hard up

tián fáng填房marry a widower; a second wife a widower marries

shī mì失密give away confidential secrets/information

cún àn存案register with the proper authorities

dìng qīn定亲engage

fēng zuǐ封嘴seal somebody's lips; stop someone from speaking

fēng mén封门seal off a door to prohibit entry; speak with finality

cháng xīn尝新have a taste of what is just in season/what has newly arrived on the market

bāng chú帮厨kitchen-hand; help in the mess kitchen

kāi huǒ开伙run a mess or cafeteria; provide food

kāi lì开例create an illegitimate or unregulated precedent

kāi xiàn开线become unsewn

kāi yán开言start speaking

huǐ hūn悔婚react an engagement for marriage

zhé fú折福discount the good fortune

chōu chéng抽成draw/deduct a percentage; a percentage deducted from a sum of money

zhāo shì招事invite trouble

bài kè拜客go on a tour of visits to people

guà huā挂花blossom; be wounded and bleeding in battle

jiē qīn接亲go to the bride's home to escort her to the wedding

jiē huǒ接火start to exchange fire; energize

tuī tóu推头cut one's hair

cā zǎo擦澡rub oneself down with a wet towel

shōu chē收车return the vehicle to the garage/terminal/station, etc. and knock off

gǎi yàng改样change in style or appearance; revise

gǎi diǎn改点reschedule

sōng zuǐ松嘴same as 松口

sōng xīn松心carefree and happy

sōng qì松气release a breath; relax

kǎo diàn烤电diathermy

huà fú画符draw magic figures to invoke or expel spirits and bring good or ill fortune

liú mén留门leave the door unlocked/unbolted for someone

liú tí留题leave comments or write down impressions; extempore verse

pán dǐ盘底interrogate closely

pán huò盘货make/take an inventory of stock on hand

kàn zuò看座offer a seat for the guest

liàn duì练队drill for a parade

jié cǎi结彩adorn with festoons

xù jià续假extend one's leave of absence

tuō qī脱期miss the deadline

tuō bān脱班be late for work; be behind the schedule

luò fà落发shave one's head

guān fēng观风be on the lookout; observe the traditional custom

jiě yán解严declare martial law ended

píng gōng评功appraise somebody's achievements or merits

píng lǐ评理judge between right and wrong

wù chǎng误场miss a performance

wù qī误期fall behind schedule

diào zhí调职be transferred to another post

fù yuē负约break a promise

bài huǒ败火relieve inflammation heat

fèi huà费话take a lot of talking

gǎn hǎi赶海comb a beach at ebb tide for seafood or other objects

gǎn diǎn赶点speed up to make up for lost time; come at an opportune time

pǎo dù跑肚have loose bowels

shū lǐ输理be in the wrong

guàng dēng逛灯enjoying various lanterns on display while walking around the streets or parks on the Lantern Festival

gǔ bāo鼓包bulge; lump

shàng féi上肥fertilize

zhàn lǐ占理be reasonable

gòu shù够数sufficient in quantity

diào wén掉文use classical Chinese words and sentences when speaking

gǎi yè改业same as 改行

pò shēn破身first sexual intercourse

luò jí落籍expunge somebody's name from a list; settle

ràng jià让价agree to offer reduced prices

xǔ qīn许亲accept a mariage proposal

wù bān误班be late for work; miss

wù chē误车miss the bus, train; hold up

wù cān误餐miss one's meal

sài qiú赛球play a ball game

mǎn qī满期expire

liú huà留话leave a message

pò liǎn破脸turn against

shǐ qián使钱spend/use money; bribe somebody with money

shī gé失格inappropriate; lose face

dìng yuē定约contract

hài mìng害命murder

yǐn tóu引头be the first to do something

shòu yì授艺pass on skills

jiě hán解寒warm

tǎo mǐ讨米beg for food

dài cǎi带彩be wounded

gǎn chéng赶程hurry on one's way

gǎn huì赶会go to a fair

gǎn huó赶活work hard in order to finish the task on time

guà xiàng挂相draw a long face

guò jǐng过景be outdated

nài kǔ耐苦endure hardships