Common separable words HSK PLUS

Here are some common separable words in Chinese.

shàng gòng上供place/lay offerings on an altar; grease somebody's palm

zhòng xié中邪be possessed

chuàn gòng串供act in collusion/collaboration to make each other's confessions tally

zuò yī作揖make a slight bow with hands folded in front

xiū jiǎo修脚pedicure

dǎo gē倒戈transfer one's allegiance

chū bìn出殡carry a coffin to the cemetery

chū qiǔ出糗make a fool of oneself

chū gé出阁get married

fēn zāng分赃get a share of ill-gotten power or gains

guā shā刮痧a popular folk treatment for sunstroke by scraping the patient's neck, chest or back

jiā miǎn加冕coronation

láo jià劳驾excuse me

mù gǔ募股raise capital by floating shares

gōu qiàn勾芡thicken a soup or a dish

qiǎ ké卡壳jam; be held up

fā chī发痴become insane; stare blankly/vacantly

biàn guà变卦break an agreement

chī zhāi吃斋abstain from eating meat; eat

hā yāo哈腰bend one's back; bow slightly

lào kē唠嗑chat

tào shǎi套色chromatography

shǒu guǎ守寡remain a widow

niào chuáng尿床bed-wetting

bǐng qì屏气hold one's breath

kāi zhāi开斋resume a meat diet; come to the end of Ramadan

kāi luó开锣strike up the band; begin

kāi lián开镰start harvesting

òu qì怄气be difficult and sulky

rě huò惹祸court trouble

dǎ cháng打场thresh grain

dǎ kuǎ打垮strike down

dǎ lèi打擂join in an open competition or contest

dǎ bǎ打靶shoot at a target

dǎ hān打鼾snore

chōu suì抽穗put forth ears

lā píng拉平even up

lā xiàn拉线act as a go-between/middleman; pull cord

lā gōu拉钩hook up the little fingers of each other's right hands and give them a pull in token of good faith

zhāo gòng招供confess

bài fó拜佛kneel before the image of the Buddha

ái pī挨批be denounced

āi jìn挨近get close to

zhuō jiān捉奸catch adulterers in the act

diào shǎi掉色lose colour

zhǎng duò掌舵operate the rudder; take charge of

chān jiǎ掺假adulterate

kāi yóu揩油get petty advantages at the expense of other people or the state; dally with a woman

liào huāng撂荒let a piece of farmland go to waste

piě zuǐ撇嘴curl one's lips

zāi zāng栽赃plant stolen or banned goods on somebody; fabricate a charge against somebody

xiē jiǎo歇脚have/take a rest

xùn guó殉国die/give one's life/lay down for one's country

xùn zhí殉职die at one's post

xùn nàn殉难die for

zhì sāng治丧make funeral arrangements

zhān guāng沾光benefit from association with somebody or something

cuì huǒ淬火quench

liàn dān炼丹make pills of immortality

fén xiāng焚香burn incense; light incense

chǒu jiàn瞅见see

lǐ fó礼佛worship Buddha

jì zào祭灶offer sacrifices to the kitchen god

lì jiǎo立脚base oneself upon

suàn guà算卦tell somebody's fortune

cuàn wèi篡位usurp power

nà qiè纳妾take a concubine

nà mèn r纳闷儿be perplexed

tuō gāng脱肛prolapse of the anus

tuō jiù脱臼dislocation

tuì pí蜕皮exuviate

zhuāng suàn装蒜pretend not to know

guǒ jiǎo裹脚bind the feet; foot-binding bandages

chù jiāo触礁hit a submerged rock or reef; run into difficulty/trouble

shē zhàng赊账buy or sell on credit; outstanding bills or accounts

chì bó赤膊be bare/naked/stripped to the waist; naked torso

qǐ máo起锚weigh anchor

diē jiāo跌跤fall over; make a mistake

niè zú蹑足tiptoe; join

dēng tuǐ蹬腿kick one's legs; die

zhá gāng轧钢steel rolling

guò bàng过磅weigh

chěng néng逞能show off/display one's skill or ability

pū chuáng铺床make the bed

pū guǐ铺轨lay a railway track

xiāo zāng销赃deal in stolen goods; destroy stolen goods

kào pǔ r靠谱儿reliable

qū xié驱邪drive out evil spirits

zhòng qiān中签be picked

fā yūn发晕feel dizzy/giddy

kāi zhá开闸open a sluice gate

gōng bèi弓背back of a bow; arch one's back

mò miàn抹面plaster a wall/surface

lā zhá拉闸pull a switch

piáo jì嫖妓wench; whoredom

mù kuǎn募款raise funds

lā wǎng拉网draw in/up the net; close in on

lǎn guò揽过take responsibility for other people's mistakes

xiè jiǎ解甲take off one's armor; leave the army

méi jìn r没劲儿be exhausted/listless;boring