Chinese Made Easy 6

Chinese textbooks
6 textbooks for high school students or adult study Chinese.

bù shí不时frequently; at any time

shū xìn书信letter

zhēng lùn争论debate

in; with regard to

jià zhí guān价值观values

fènshare; portion

like; seem

tíngstop; stop over

chōngthoroughfare; charge

chōng tū冲突conflict; contradict

fēn qí分歧divergence; different

chuàngachieve; creative

chuàng jiàn创建establish

chuàng shè创设set up; create

chuàng zào创造bring about; creation

fěino; bandit

shēng jiàng升降go up and down; promotion and demotion

bó shì博士court academician; expert in some skill

fǎn xǐng反省introspect

huí bào回报report back on what has been done; repay

chǎng suǒ场所arena

sù jiāo塑胶plastic cement

wài jí外籍foreign nationality; having one's permanent residence registered elsewhere

duō méi tǐ多媒体multi-media

as; according to

xué wèi学位academic degree

xué fēng学风academic atmosphere/discipline

wán shàn完善perfect; make perfect

duì zhào对照compare

jù dà巨大enormous

kāi fàng开放come into bloom; lift a ban, restriction, etc.

kāi shè开设open; offer

guīgo back; return something to

that; the other party

bǐ cǐ彼此each other; me too or you too

wǎng lái往来go back and forth; have contact with

xīn shēng心声innermost feelings

xīn líng心灵clever; heart

sī xiǎng思想ideology; idea

sī kǎo思考think

zǒngassemble; total

zǒng guī总归anyway


gǎn wù感悟come to realize; thoughts triggered by feelings

chéngachievement; in considerable numbers or amounts

chéng rén成人grown-up; grow up

zhíhold; bill of warrant

zhí xíng执行carry out

chéngbear; undertake

chéng shòu承受bear; inherit

bàoreport; newspaper

tuīpush; cut

tuī jiàn推荐recommend

jiào shī教师teacher

wú xíng无形invisible; unconsciously

xiào fēng校风school spirit

fork; divergent

fēn wéi氛围atmosphere

yǒng dào泳道swimming lane

nóng hòu浓厚dense; deep

yuāndeep water; deep

yuān bó渊博broad and profound

jiàn jiàn渐渐gradually

língfairy; spirit

zhàoilluminate; sunshine

yóujust as; still

yóu rú犹如be similar to

zhū sān jiǎo珠三角Pearl River delta

shěngleave out; save

zhēn qíng真情actual state of affairs; real sentiments


shuò shì硕士master

pèng zhuàng碰撞collide; offend

dash out of a cave; abruptly

tally given by a ruler to a general or envoy as credentials; symbol

fú hé符合conform to

book; native place

lèi sì类似analogous

juécut off; exhausted

pìnemploy; visit a state as an envoy

pìn qǐng聘请engage

jiāoglue; rubber

wǔ tái舞台stage; public/social activities

jiànstraw mat; grass

xíng wéi行为action

kè shì课室classroom

tán lùn谈论discuss

money and goods; expenses

zī shēn资深senior

pǎo dào跑道airstrip; track/raceway

bèi fen辈分position in the family hierarchy

pèijoin in marriage; spouse

jìng zi镜子mirror; glasses

miànfront part of the head; towards

miàn qián面前in face of; now

lǐng huì领会grasp

fēngwind; practice

spit; say

chǔdwell; get along

shòu yì fěi qiǎn受益匪浅benefit a great deal