New HSK level 789-1

Chinese textbooks
New HSK 2022 level 789 part 1.

gāng yì刚毅resolute and steadfast

fù zuò yòng副作用side effect; secondary action

gàoreport; inform

gào zhuàng告状bring a lawsuit against somebody; lodge a complaint against somebody with his superior

gào zhī告知inform

gào shi告示bulletin; slogan

gào jiè告诫give a warning

gào cí告辞take leave of

fù xīng复兴revival; revive

fù yuán复原recover from an illness; restore

fù fā复发recur

fù hé复合complex

fù chá复查reexamine

fù huó复活come back to life; revive

fù hán富含be rich in

fù qiáng富强prosperous and powerful

fù wēng富翁moneybags

fù yù富裕well-off; enrich

fù háo富豪rich and powerful person

fù zú富足rich

gān gà尴尬hard to deal with; embarrassed

gān gē干戈arms

gān hàn干旱arid

gān zào干燥dry; dull

gàn bù干部government official; functionary

gǎnfeel; be grateful

gǎn tàn感叹sigh with emotion/feeling

gǎn xìng感性emotional

gǎn ēn感恩be thankful

gǎn kǎi感慨heave/draw/utter a sigh

gǎn rǎn感染infect; infect

gǎn jī感激thankful

gǎn chù感触thoughts and feelings; move

gē bì戈壁the Gobi desert

gǎo xiào搞笑amuse; amusing

gǎo guǐ搞鬼play tricks

gǎi dòng改动change

gǎi rì改日another day

gǎi bǎn改版revise an existing edition of a publication or redesign a webpage; correct typesetting

gǎi biān改编adapt; reorganize

gǎi liáng改良improve; reform

gǎi xié guī zhèng改邪归正turn over a new leaf

gǎi gé kāi fàng改革开放reform and open up

gǎn qing敢情why; of course

gàng líng杠铃barbell

gài kuàng概况general situation

gài lǜ概率chance; probability

gài lùn概论outline

gǎngport; airport

gān xīn甘心be willing; be content with

gài zi盖子cover; shell on the back of an animal

gāng yào纲要outline; compendium

gāng lǐng纲领goals to be achieved and measures to be taken within a certain period; guiding principle

gāngvat; jar-shaped implement

gān zàng肝脏liver

gē bo胳膊arm

fǔ xiǔ腐朽rotten; decadent

fǔ shí腐蚀corrode; pervert

fù xiè腹泻diarrhea

fù gài覆盖cover; plant cover

fù miàn负面negative side

fù yǔ赋予endow

attend; swim

gǎn fù赶赴rush/hasten to



attach; get close to

fù jiā附加add; additional

fù hè附和echo

fù shǔ附属be attached to; auxiliary

fù dài附带additional; attach

gāo dī高低height; relative superiority or inferiority

gāo ào高傲arrogant; proud

gāo yā高压high pressure; high voltage/tension

gāo ěr fū qiú高尔夫球golf; golf ball

gāo xiào高效high-efficiency

gāo xīn jì shù高新技术new and high technology

gāo áng高昂hold high; high

gāo míng高明extraordinary; expert

gāo zhǎng高涨rise sharply

gāo kōng高空high in the sky

gāo xuè yā高血压high blood pressure

gāo diào高调pious talk; high profile

gāo guì高贵honourably upright; highly privileged

gāo chāo高超excellent

gāo yǎ高雅elegant

gāo é高额great/huge number/sum/amount

gāo líng高龄advanced age; overage

fù kuǎn付款pay a sum of money

gǎi míng改名change the name

gāishould; will

fù yǒu负有be responsible for

gāo fēng qī高峰期peak season

fù bù腹部abdomen

gāo shān高山high mountain

gǎn rǎn lì感染力inspiration

fù fèi付费pay

gǎi wéi改为change to

gǎn wǎng赶往rush to

gàn shì干事work