New HSK level 789-2

Chinese textbooks
New HSK 2022 level 789 part 2.

qǐ gài乞丐beggar

qǐ qiú乞求beg for

qǐ tǎo乞讨beg

qí jiān其间between/among them; time

qī liáng凄凉desolate; miserable

qián yǎng hòu hé前仰后合rock back and forth

qián rèn前任predecessor; former wife/husband/partner

qián tái前台proscenium; foreground

qián xī前夕eve; the moment before something is going to happen

qián suǒ wèi yǒu前所未有unprecedented

qián wú gǔ rén前无古人without parallel in history

qián qī前期earlier stage; prophase

qián yán前沿forward position; leading edge

qián xiàn前线front line

qián fù hòu jì前赴后继advance wave upon wave

qián bèi前辈elder; senior

qiān jūn wàn mǎ千军万马thousands upon thousands of men and horses―a mighty force

qiān fāng bǎi jì千方百计by hook or crook

qiān jūn yī fà千钧一发be in an extremely precarious situation

qiǎget stuck; clip

qiǎ zi卡子clip; checkpoint

qǐ shì启示enlighten; enlightenment

qǐ méng启蒙impart basic knowledge; popularize new knowledge to deliver people from fatuity and superstition

qǐ dí启迪inspire

qì cái器材equipment

qì xiè器械appliance; weapon

qí tè奇特peculiar

qí huā yì cǎo奇花异草exotic flowers and rare herbs

qí jì奇迹miracle

qì jī契机moment; turning point

qì yuē契约contract

qǐ yǒu cǐ lǐ岂有此理preposterous

qià dào hǎo chù恰到好处just right for the purpose

qià rú qí fèn恰如其分appropriate

qià qiǎo恰巧by chance/coincidence

qiāpinch; clutch

qí zhì旗帜flag; model

qí páo旗袍cheongsam

qī pàn期盼expect

chess or any board game; chess piece

qí zǐ棋子chessman; pawn

qiàn tiáo欠条a bill signed in acknowledgement of debt

qiàn quē欠缺be short of; shortcoming

qī zhà欺诈swindle

qī piàn欺骗deceive

qiàn yì歉意apology

qí shì歧视discriminate

qì shì气势imposing manner

qì wèi气味smell; smack

qì xī气息breath; flavor

qì fèn气愤angry

qì pào气泡gassy bubble

qì pài气派dignified air; of impressive appearance

qì guǎn气管trachea

qì zhì气质temperament; qualities

qì něi气馁lose heart

qì pò气魄daring and energy; imposing manner


qià tán洽谈consult

lacquer; coat with lacquer

qián zài潜在potential

qián shuǐ潜水dive; underwater

qián yí mò huà潜移默化influence character by environment

qián néng潜能latent energy; potential

qián tǐng潜艇submarine

qiān zhì牵制check

qiān tóu牵头be the first to do something; act as go-between

qiān chě牵扯involve

qiān guà牵挂worry

qiān shè牵涉involve

qí dǎo祈祷pray

qiānsign; make brief comments on a document

qiān shǔ签署sign

qián chéng虔诚pious

qiān xùn谦逊modest and humble

qiǎn zé谴责condemn

qǐ fú起伏rise and fall; ups and downs

qǐ chū起初originally

qǐ jìn起劲energetic

qǐ bù起步start to move; begin/start doing something

qǐ yuán起源originate; origin

qǐ chéng起程start on a journey

qǐ cǎo起草draft

qǐ pǎo xiàn起跑线starting line; level

qiānmove; change

qiān jiù迁就accommodate oneself to

qiān yí迁移migrate

qì jīn迄今so far

qián cái钱财wealth

qián zi钳子tongs; earrings

qiānlead; black lead

qí xīn xié lì齐心协力make concerted efforts

qī zuǐ bā shé七嘴八舌all talking at once

qí hòu其后afterwards

qián bù jiǔ前不久lately

qián zhě前者the former

qiān biàn wàn huà千变万化kaleidoscopic change

qiān jiā wàn hù千家万户every family

qì jīn wéi zhǐ迄今为止so far

qià qià xiāng fǎn恰恰相反exactly the reverse