
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    num.four; the sum of three plus one; fourth; 4

    • tā sì tiān jiù dú wán le yī běn shū

      He finished a book in four days.

    • bā shì èr de sì bèi

      Eight is four times of two.

    • tā hē le sì píng pí jiǔ


      He had four bottles of beer.

  • 2

    n.note in the Chinese gongchepu scale

Words and phrases with 四

  • 四重
  • 四化
    [word]the Four Modernizations; the contingent of cadres becoming more revolutionary, better-educated, more specialized and younger in age
  • 四起
    [word]rise from all directions
  • 四下
    [word]surrounding area
  • 四路
    [word]four directions
  • 四季
    [word]the four seasons
  • 四至
    [word]four boundaries
  • 四维
    [word]northeast, southeast, southwest, northwest; four limbs
  • 四层
    [word]four layers
  • 四面八方
    [idiom]all around
  • 四平八稳
  • 四大金刚
    [idiom]four most common breakfast foods: pancakes, fried breadsticks, soy milk, and rice porridge
  • 四海一家
    [idiom]all people belong to one family
  • 四通八达
    [idiom]extend in all directions
  • 四分五裂
  • 四大天王
    [idiom]the four heavenly guardians standing inside the entrance of Buddhist temples, two on each side
  • 四面楚歌
    [idiom]be utterly isolated
  • 四书五经
    [idiom]Four Books and Five Classics

Word usage

  • Note
    "四" is written as "肆" on cheques, banknotes, etc to avoid mistakes or alterations.

Similar-form characters to 四

Chinese Characters with pinyin

  • like; seem
  • raise; forage
  • government bureau in ancient China; mosque
  • unbridled; four
  • succeed; descendant