丈a unit of length equal to 3.3333 metres; measure
伯母aunt; general term of address for a woman of one's mother's generation
内地interior; the mainland of China
南south; southern part of China
南非South Africa; the Republic of South Africa
国家country; complete territory of a country
堂main room of a house; courtroom in a yamen
大伯uncle; polite term of address for an older man
姑husband's sister; father's sister
婶aunt; form of address for a married woman younger than one's mother
工程engineering; project that requires a large quantity of manpower and materials
未the eeighth of the 12 Earthly Branches; not yet
父father; male relative of a senior generation
舅mother's brother; husband's father
蜡wax, including beeswax, white wax and paraffin wax; candle
堂哥elder male cousin with the same surname