九牛一毛single hair out of nine ox hides
争奇斗艳contend with each other to show their charm
亡羊补牢mend the fold after the sheep is lost
兴风作浪fan the flames of disorder
南辕北辙go south by driving the chariot north
卧薪尝胆sleep on firewood and taste gall
发愤图强be resolved to make the country strong
后生可畏the young are to be regarded with awe
呼风唤雨summon wind and rain; stir up trouble
和颜悦色wearing a pleasing and gracious face
和风细雨as gentle as a breeze and as mild as a drizzle
大材小用great genius in little employment
头重脚轻have an unstable foundation
巧夺天工superb craftsmanship excelling nature
废寝忘食forget all about eating and sleeping
心灵手巧a lively mind and a quick hand
忍辱负重endure humiliation in order to carry out an important mission
按兵不动not throw one's troops into battle; take no action
操之过急act impetuously/rashly/precipitately
救亡图存save the nation from doom and strive for its survival
有始有终carry something through to the end
有机可乘There is a loophole that can be used.
有求必应grant whatever is requested
流光溢彩rich display of lights and colours
湖光山色a landscape of lakes and mountains
炉火纯青reach the acme of perfection
画龙点睛bring the painted dragon to life by putting in the pupils of its eyes
百发百中be a crack shot; surely succeed
群龙无首a host of dragons without a head
腾云驾雾mount the clouds and ride the mist by means of magic power; feel giddy
舍近求远go far afield and ignore what's right under one's nose
走钢丝tightrope walking; run risk
运筹帷幄map devise a campaign strategy
里应外合make use of inside assistance for an attack from outside
闻风而动answer a call without delay
面面俱到attend to each and every aspect of a matter
风餐露宿eat in the wind and sleep in the dew
风驰电掣swift as wind and quick as lightning
飞沙走石sand flying about and stones hurtling through the air
黔驴技穷the Guizhou donkey has exhausted its tricks
万般无奈have no alternative whatsoever
奔走相告rush around telling everyone
山重水复surrounded by mountain and girdled by winding streams
曲径通幽a winding path leading to seclusions
有口难言find it hard to bring up a matter
欢歌笑语sing and laugh happily, used to describes a cheerful mood
百尺竿头Buddhism: to be on the top level of enlightenment
风雨交加with heavy rains and high winds
传为美谈pass from mouth to mouth with approbation
华灯初上when the evening lights are lit
日夜兼程by forced marches day and night
旭日东升display of youthful vigour and vitality
称霸一方play the tyrant in a locality
飘飘欲仙feel that one is flying up towards heaven like an immortal
骄阳似火The sun is a ball of fire in the clear sky.
催人奋进inspire people to forge ahead