
Chinese dictionary
Show pinyin

  • 1

    n.the moon

    • shǎng yuè

      enjoy the full moon

    • yuè guāng


    • tā hé tā zài yuè xià sàn bù


      He took a walk with her under the moon.

  • 2


    • zhěng yuè

      whole month

    • shàng gè yuè wǒ qù le fǎ guó


      I went to French last month.

    • èr yuè shì yī nián li zuì duǎn de yī gè yuè

      February is the shortest month of a year.

  • 3

    adj.full-moon shaped; round-thing

    • yuè bǐng

      moon cake

Words and phrases with 月

Word usage

  • "月" is often matched with measure word "个".
    • one month

Similar-form characters to 月

Chinese Characters with pinyin yuè

  • jump over; go through
  • music; a surname
  • read; review
  • jump
  • mountain; parents-in-law